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Thread: Duke of Edinburgh dies

  1. #126
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Is it the BBC doing it or the government? I lost track.
    /when it is considered necessary the two are the same thing.

  2. #127

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Whilst Prince Philips death is sad, particularly for his family, it was obviously not unexpected at his age and with his recent health problems. By all means we should pay our respects and his public life and service should be duly commemorated in some way BUT the main TV channels and media outlets have just lost all sense of proportion on this. Last night we were treated to the three main channels giving wall to wall coverage of his death and totally changing all their schedules to do so. This included BBC One and BBC Two running exactly the same commemorative programme at exactly the same time on both channels - really ? Today we have BBC One moving most of their programmes onto BBC Two and running a FOUR HOUR special on his death !! ITV is doing something very similar but only lasting an hour. Both BBC and ITV have miraculously found about ten Royal Correspondents each from somewhere and they have been busy wheeling unknown people on screen who knew him or have met him (some of them only for about ten minutes by the sound of it) and getting them to wax lyrical about what a wonderful man Philip was. This is all just totally out of proportion and ridiculous. All the news presenters are also fawning over Philip for no good reason. BBC are receiving lots of complains about their coverage - I urge everyone to go online to their complaints site and register protest about the coverage.

  3. #128

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    we got more of it today ?

    Ff sake

    Its not like he has performed open heart surgery on people

  4. #129

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Last night we were treated to the three main channels giving wall to wall coverage of his death and totally changing all their schedules to do so. This included BBC One and BBC Two running exactly the same commemorative programme at exactly the same time on both channels

    They did this from early afternoon.

  5. #130

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    All these tv and radio programmes about Prince Phillip must have been prepared/recorded/filmed way in advance of his actual demise. All the various news outlets had their stories ready for the sad event.

    If this has been posted earlier, then apologies.

  6. #131

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    If any one wants to complain about the BBCs coverage of Prince Philip’s death yesterday, they can do it through this link;-


  7. #132

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Good to see today's edition of the Racing Post treating the news with the necessary level of reverence. A banner across the bottom of the front page reads:

    Death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, at the age of 99 - see page 24

  8. #133

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    If any one wants to complain about the BBCs coverage of Prince Philip’s death yesterday, they can do it through this link;-


  9. #134

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    Me too

  10. #135

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post

  11. #136

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanmore Bluebird View Post
    All these tv and radio programmes about Prince Phillip must have been prepared/recorded/filmed way in advance of his actual demise. All the various news outlets had their stories ready for the sad event.

    If this has been posted earlier, then apologies.
    Obit articles and programmes are often produced in well advance and updated if anything of interest can be added if the subject lives a while longer.

  12. #137

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanmore Bluebird View Post
    All these tv and radio programmes about Prince Phillip must have been prepared/recorded/filmed way in advance of his actual demise. All the various news outlets had their stories ready for the sad event.
    I can see we're going to to have to get up pretty early in the morning to catch you out.

  13. #138

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    /when it is considered necessary the two are the same thing.
    Mmm ok

  14. #139

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    If any one wants to complain about the BBCs coverage of Prince Philip’s death yesterday, they can do it through this link;-

    Yes, done.

  15. #140

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    I agree that the coverage is way over the top and feels at odds with a modern day Britain but it's pretty easy to avoid it in this day and age. I haven't seen a single news report or read a single article, there's plenty of other *wanky word alert* content out there these days.

    God help us when the Queen goes though, they'll probably have someone come round the house and shout at us until we cry about it

  16. #141

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I agree that the coverage is way over the top and feels at odds with a modern day Britain but it's pretty easy to avoid it in this day and age. I haven't seen a single news report or read a single article, there's plenty of other *wanky word alert* content out there these days.

    God help us when the Queen goes though, they'll probably have someone come round the house and shout at us until we cry about it
    Your last point has just seen me act preemptively and complain to the BBC about the over the top coverage for when the Queen pops her tiara.

    You can but only try.

  17. #142

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    Your last point has just seen me act preemptively and complain to the BBC about the over the top coverage for when the Queen pops her tiara.

    You can but only try.
    I've never remotely been a supporter of the monarchy but I think I'll actually be quite upset when she goes. Quite hard to explain. Probably more about me than her!

  18. #143

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    I've never remotely been a supporter of the monarchy but I think I'll actually be quite upset when she goes. Quite hard to explain. Probably more about me than her!
    I'm hardly a monarchist and whatever your views on the parasitical Saxe Coburgs but Queenie has been a significant symbolic emblem in most peoples lives in the UK.

    When she pops it'll be a sob fest and I fully expect Nicholas Witchell to request being buried alive with her dead corpse.

  19. #144

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    It was the couples hugging each other crying as though their six year old kid had been shot that alarmed me . I couldn't believe my eyes watching these people shed tears over someone who could have been a right bitch for all they knew

    The Queen of hearts bollocks spouted by Blair

    Groups of people getting their faces on telly outside the Palace, blubbing then turning on the TV cameras saying .......it was you ( the media ) that killed her !

    No it was wreckless driving that killed her and it was the insatiable quest for NEWS about the royal family from idiots like YOU lot that meant news teams , cameramen , shitty royal magazines like ok and hello and dreadful people like royal correspondents like witchell, that jenny bond and experts yeah right like that penny junor and that ponce from the daily mail were kept in a pointless job that killed your princess you feck wits

    Bunch of clowns
    That "Queen of Tarts" nonsense put me off Blair for good and I never voted for him since; he showed me his true colours.

    It baffles me that there's people who jump on the back of any poor old benefits scrounger who hasn't got a pot to piss in but hold this load of shysters in complete reverence when they're taking us for a ride big time! The world's gone mad!

  20. #145

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    If any one wants to complain about the BBCs coverage of Prince Philip’s death yesterday, they can do it through this link;-


    Paradoxically years ago when we only had BBC and ITV, no one would have said a word about both available channels showing this sort of programming.

    The same would have been true when BBC 2 came on stream.

    I think the view then was that effectively respect was being paid to the deceased particularly in the case of the BBC by a public service broadcaster and to show entertainment programs was not the done thing.

    I know there is a discussion to be had about whether we should mourn a privileged individual when many more have died on the globe that day but that I'm afraid is the way of the world. You are not going to square the circle there, many will think that it is correct to do so whereas other will think it is a waste of time

    Now ,when we have wall to wall TV channel, Netflix Prime Disney+ IPlaetr ITV Hub etc etc etc we grumble when 2 channels (3 if we count ITV) cancel their programs for the day.

    I must admit I was initially a bit irritated when I saw that both main BBC channels were being used and I think that they could have had a bit more thought and not both shown the same things at exactly the same time, but then I thought of what I mentioned in my thirded paragraph above and realised why the BBC had done it.

    I watched some of the coverage but then I had a wonderful thought. I am on Sky, I have a Sky remote and I could.......

    Change channels and not watch the BBC for the day

    Watched cricket instead.

    I certainly wouldn't bother complaining about it. With respect to those of you who did, I find that rather petty in this day of almost unlimited TV. (Sorry TOBW, Jeepster, Mozzer and any one else who has done it but that is that is the way I feel)

    Particularly when I suspect most of us rarely watch the BBC any way.

    But its a free world

  21. #146

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Paradoxically years ago when we only had BBC and ITV, no one would have said a word about both available channels showing this sort of programming.

    The same would have been true when BBC 2 came on stream.

    I think the view then was that effectively respect was being paid to the deceased particularly in the case of the BBC by a public service broadcaster and to show entertainment programs was not the done thing.

    I know there is a discussion to be had about whether we should mourn a privileged individual when many more have died on the globe that day but that I'm afraid is the way of the world. You are not going to square the circle there, many will think that it is correct to do so whereas other will think it is a waste of time

    Now ,when we have wall to wall TV channel, Netflix Prime Disney+ IPlaetr ITV Hub etc etc etc we grumble when 2 channels (3 if we count ITV) cancel their programs for the day.

    I must admit I was initially a bit irritated when I saw that both main BBC channels were being used and I think that they could have had a bit more thought and not both shown the same things at exactly the same time, but then I thought of what I mentioned in my thirded paragraph above and realised why the BBC had done it.

    I watched some of the coverage but then I had a wonderful thought. I am on Sky, I have a Sky remote and I could.......

    Change channels and not watch the BBC for the day

    Watched cricket instead.

    I certainly wouldn't bother complaining about it. With respect to those of you who did, I find that rather petty in this day of almost unlimited TV. (Sorry TOBW, Jeepster, Mozzer and any one else who has done it but that is that is the way I feel)

    Particularly when I suspect most of us rarely watch the BBC any way.

    But its a free world
    As someone who firmly belongs in the left and right both slag it off, so it must be doing something right, I still watch the BBC a lot, but yesterday set me thinking all of their critics might have a point. The fact it's a public server broadcaster should mean they should try to serve all of the public, including the sizeable minority who are either anti royal or not remotely interested in the Royal family. By all means, have extended coverage and reaction on one of their main channels, but there is no justification at all for it to be on both of them. Even worse though was when I thought I'd listen to some IPL or county cricket on 5 Live extra and found they'd stopped broadcasting it and then when I went on the BBC website to read their rolling coverage on the four day matches, they'd even stopped that!

  22. #147

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    I've never remotely been a supporter of the monarchy but I think I'll actually be quite upset when she goes. Quite hard to explain. Probably more about me than her!
    I was saying yesterday that, at the age of sixty five, the Queen and Prince Philip have been constants in my life and, thinking about it, there are very few around now, I can say that about about - maybe that's a bit to do with it?

  23. #148

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The fact it's a public server broadcaster should mean they should try to serve all of the public, including the sizeable minority who are either anti royal or not remotely interested in the Royal family.
    I wonder if those of us who are either opposed to the monarchy or have no interest in it are in the minority in the UK in 2021? I don’t suppose there’s a reliable way of measuring that, but I think the percentages would be close.

  24. #149

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I wonder if those of us who are either opposed to the monarchy or have no interest in it are in the minority in the UK in 2021? I don’t suppose there’s a reliable way of measuring that, but I think the percentages would be close.
    I wouldn't be surprised if you are right and I feel a lot of the goodwill towards the Royals currently will disappear when the Queen is no longer with us.

  25. #150

    Re: Duke of Edinburgh dies

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I wonder if those of us who are either opposed to the monarchy or have no interest in it are in the minority in the UK in 2021? I don’t suppose there’s a reliable way of measuring that, but I think the percentages would be close.
    Recent opinion Polls by YouGov and Opinium and Survation showed around 55% on average supporting a monarchy with 29% in favour of a republic.

    Unsurprisingly the youngest age group (18-24) was slightly in favour of a re favour of a republic.

    Perhaps they should put a question on the next Census...........

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