It is very noticeable ,in and around London and the South East, that a hybrid accent is emerging that is replacing the previous version of mockney/estuary English.

This latest addition to the fold appears, to me anyway, a combination of a London, Jamaican and Bengal accents which would make sense in that it reflects the changing make up of the population.

To the older generations, like me, it does seem slightly odd to hear this change but then again it is not exclusive to the SE of England as I remember a few threads on here about how the South Welsh/Cardiff accent has changed in recent times. Up North the Gogs seem to be unduly influenced by the Scousers who in turn have developed a far more harsh dialect . At the other end of the ship canal the traditional Lancastrian accent has been replaced in many parts by the Manc drawl as demonstrated by the likes of Oasis.

I guess accents just like languages change and adapt due to match the changes in society and the influence of outside factors.