Really sorry to hear what you and your wife are going through. As others have suggested, it's really important you get some professional help, and really well done for reaching out because it's not an easy thing to do.

I showed your post to my wife who is a psychiatric and social care professional and these were her suggestions so I'm just going to write them out from her notes.

Email or copy your post with a short explanatory note i.e. you're too exhausted to compile a new letter and need access to help fast. Make sure you say that there is a duty of care and if you feel able, say that you feel your wife may be a danger to herself and/or others (it's not easy but it may be the best thing to do).


Phone Social Services (in your location - ask for The Duty Social Worker and follow up with an email containing a copy of your post).
You should get a Social Worker for yourself and they will be able to assist and take on all of these tasks.
Phone CMHT (in your location) follow up with an email containing a copy of your post.
Phone Age Cymru 0300 3034498
Phone the Alzheimer's Society 0333 1503456 (Whisperer has already kindly given the phone number of Dementia UK)
Call Citizens Advice 0808 2787925 and arrange for an advocate if one is needed for you and/or your wife.
Pobl 01633 679911 (based in Newport but cover much wider areas - go to the older persons page/section on their website - they can be very helpful regarding mobility issues and home care).

If you visit the above websites there are also many other ways to contact them as well as more detailed information.

Finally and most importantly send a copy of your post to your GP straight away as having something in writing is a very powerful way of ensuring there will be a considered and more successful response. Your GP has a duty of care to you and can arrange to see your wife too.

If possible, print out and send a hard copy of all your emails to everyone suggested

There are many people out there who can and will help and support. It's important you communicate just how difficult things have become for you and don't be afraid of being frank and honest like you've been here. I know it's difficult but don't be timid when communicating with service providers, try and be as assertive as can. Your situation is an emergency.

All the very best.