Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
No Bob I am not being contrary. I did think what I was saying.

While it is perfectly correct that there is nothing wrong with making a complaints procedure easier, and to complain about that would be rather silly, I suspect ( and should in retrospect have said this in my first post perhaps) that in this case the complaints were that the procedure had been made easier on a one off basis for no good reason.

While I think the BBC home page could make a link to the complaints procedure more prominent ( currently you have to scroll to the bottom of the page where there is a link to contact the BBC in pretty small writing. Clicking this link brings up a another page where the complaints link is pretty prominent), I found it easily enough on there and also found it by typing on 'BBC Complaints' in chrome where it came up as the first entry (yes I was bored that day!!).

So if it was so easy to find why go to the trouble of setting up a special page (which they don't normally do) for complaints about the coverage ?

Anyway I think both the 100 who complained about this plus the 100,000 who complained about the coverage itself should really find something better to do. I have expressed my view on the coverage before but really don't think it was worth the fuss of bothering about. If the Queen follows her mother such an event won't happen again for years so people will be able to watch their Masterchef finals in peace!

Your last sentence gets what I said completely wrong (dare I suggest that says more about you than it does about... you get my drift) Firstly I did not say that Marina Hyde sees herself as "an all seeing sage who always gets it right". I said that some people seem to see her and other of her ilk (on both left and right as I said) as such. And I was not referring to this matter of the complaints procedure per se but their writing in general.
What a lot time taken up to say nothing really.