UEFA was just about to announce their latest re-jig of the Champions League format, and anyone who reads the football news will be aware that it was already moving towards exactly what this new group are after. Sure, UEFA's latest plans didn't include a closed shop, but it may as well have. It would certainly make it harder for any newcomers to break into it, and much easier for the 'old guard' to qualify and proceed.

And now we have the huge uproar over the Super League. So what will happen is that UEFA will tweak their new CL format a bit more, and pretend that it's somehow fairer and more open, when in fact, things will be just that little bit closer to the SL plans. And we'll all heave a sigh of relief, as the greedy beggars will 'back down' and 'accept' this new deal, which will give them all that they seek, just under a different name. Just watch...