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Thread: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

  1. #26

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    With respect, i think that your comment comes across a little superior. There are certain posters who turn political debate into what you have described, although most do not.
    It wasn't meant to come over as superior and I have a great deal of time for those who can debate sensibly on here whatever their views.

  2. #27

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    It wasn't meant to come over as superior and I have a great deal of time for those who can debate sensibly on here whatever their views.
    Fair enough, maybe i shouldn't have used the word 'Superior'

  3. #28

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Fair enough, maybe i shouldn't have used the word 'Superior'
    Not a problem. By the way, I wasn't typifying all political debates on here as being of the Punch and Judy variety. It's just that some of the exchanges go that way.

  4. #29

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Not a problem. By the way, I wasn't typifying all political debates on here as being of the Punch and Judy variety. It's just that some of the exchanges go that way.
    Agree completely.

  5. #30

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    You think Starmer is left wing?
    He certainly isnt a Tory

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You may have noticed or not noticed that I don't take part in the left v right Punch and Judy spats.
    It wasnt a dig at you , it was mere a tongue-in-cheek post about we are so used to the " Same old Tory posts " it makes a refreshing change

    ( for the record, i know he wasnt actually attempting to have a pint in the pub )

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    He certainly isnt a Tory

    It wasnt a dig at you , it was mere a tongue-in-cheek post about we are so used to the " Same old Tory posts " it makes a refreshing change

    ( for the record, i know he wasnt actually attempting to have a pint in the pub )
    Apparently he went for a leak without buying a pint bloody cheek, his lookalike bodyguard was just minding the door.

  7. #32

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    I really hope the landlord was aggrieved at Sir Kier for his weakness and inability to attack Johnson and his cronies in the Commons, we’ve got a buffoon of a Prime Minister and a dodgy cabinet running the country, treating us like the shit on their shoe. A firebrand leading the opposition is what’s needed ripping the government to bits, they’re there for the taking yet the powder puff responses across the floor makes you wonder if it’s all a bit too cosy in Westminster for all parties.
    It's 03:30 am and I'm posting on here (don't ask) but if I could round them up I'd give you a sh*t load of Llamas (they've become like Bitcoin to me but more mammaly) as a token of my admiration. In the meantime you'll have to do with this and this

  8. #33

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    I've mentioned this before, but this board seems to disprove that theory about there being some parts of the country where people would vote Labour even if their candidate was a donkey wearing a red rosette because so many of those of a left wing disposition appear to need little invitation to knock the party.

    In this thread Starmer has been criticised as being too left wing, not left wing enough and not left wing at all. Splott Parker wrote an impressive message I thought describing what he sees as Starmer's feebleness and. although I've long since dismissed Life on mars as a, not very good, Tory wind up merchant, there are many people who voted Labour last time who did so reluctantly because of the way Corbyn was portrayed in the media. The standard justification for and explanation of Labour disagreement has been that the party is a "broad church", but the party's supporters and politicians have a compulsive desire to play their arguments and disagreements out in public.

    I happen to think that the Labour party have had it tough through the pandemic because I don't think that there is much to be gained by setting themselves implacably against the Government while hundreds, and sometimes thousands, were dying every day, but, now that deaths are declining and the vaccine appears to be doing it's job, I believe it really is time to start opposing this shoddy and inept Government.

    In complete contrast to Labour, supporters of and politicians in the what's in it for me party tend not to go public with their disagreements (or, maybe more accurately, they get less attention in the media). Indeed, on here what's in it for me party supporters gladly ignore their party's lamentable pandemic record through 2020, the fact that the leader of the party cannot tell us how many children he has fathered, the cronyism which has characterised the awarding of contracts throughout the pandemic, the very dubious behaviour of the likes of Patel and Jenrick, the almost comical ineptitude of Williamson, the lies over Brexit, the completely ignored on here lobbying scandal and so much more.

    I've mentioned before how some what's in it for me party supporters sometimes feel the need to qualify what they say by pointing out that they were once Labour voters and the "soft" tory/republican vote referred to by polling companies appears to be a genuine thing whereby right wing voters are reluctant to admit to being so - it's almost as if there is a part of them that is slightly ashamed of themselves for voting what's in it for me.

    I can't explain why left wing voters tend to be almost proud of their beliefs and want people to know who they want to back while criticising the main party of the left, while what's in it for me voters tend to keep quiet about their political feelings, stick with their party no matter what and yet they're the ones who talk about that donkey with the red rosette!

  9. #34

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Perhaps the as stupid thingy is a result of our poor education services causing widespread stupid voting people , it is a worry as there were so many of them .

    I will admit to being a stupid voter as I could not bring myself to vote for Corbyn , his cabinet or vision .

    I am worried that I dont know what Sir Kier's vision is ,

    I will end up being stupid again very soon as I can't align myself to the Mark Drakeford utopia .
    It's more worrying that some people think there's only a choice between 2 parties, that it's either Labour or Conservative.

    It's such a narrow mindset. I am far more broad minded. I hate all right wing parties.

  10. #35

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    It's more worrying that some people think there's only a choice between 2 parties, that it's either Labour or Conservative.

    It's such a narrow mindset. I am far more broad minded. I hate all right wing parties.
    Plaid Cymru are nationalist

    Thats right wing isn't it ?

    I like plaids social policy but some of their supporters basically hate the English

    Which is unfair

    I only hate English tories

    Which is fair enough

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    It's more worrying that some people think there's only a choice between 2 parties, that it's either Labour or Conservative.

    It's such a narrow mindset. I am far more broad minded. I hate all right wing parties.
    It is sad there is no other third or forth alternative, sadly the only party to create divide was UKIP which appeared to appeal to left and right voters .

    I guess the Liberals could fill that void but folk just don't seem to respond to them ( I gave them my vote last time around )

    I see voting sometimes as a tribal thing and both historical , bit like religion or race dislikes , whatever good the left or right party may do , some voters will never be accepting of either , and there is good and bad in both in my humble view.

  12. #37

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    It is sad there is no other third or forth alternative, sadly the only party to create divide was UKIP which appeared to appeal to left and right voters .

    I guess the Liberals could fill that void but folk just don't seem to respond to them ( I gave them my vote last time around )

    I see voting sometimes as a tribal thing and both historical , bit like religion or race dislikes , whatever good the left or right party may do , some voters will never be accepting of either , and there is good and bad in both in my humble view.
    Gosh, really uplifting sentiments.

    To be fair you have done more than most on here to recognise the good in the right party and the bad in the left. In my humble view, all that's left for you to prove that this isn't your usual hypocritical hogwash is to point to the examples where you have highlighted right/bad, left/good I guess.

  13. #38

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Plaid Cymru are nationalist

    Thats right wing isn't it ?

    I like plaids social policy but some of their supporters basically hate the English

    Which is unfair

    I only hate English tories

    Which is fair enough
    No. Firstly, there is a lot of debate as to whether nationalism is an ideology or just a concept that gets added/used by parties. Regardless of that, nationalism is neither left nor right wing as it is not a class based conception of politics much like how environmentalism is neither left nor right wing as that is not based on the traditional class cleavage. As a result you got a lot of flavours of nationalism that can be utilised by left or right, for instance you get the extreme blood and soil style nationalism associated with Nazism and is more commonly found among right wing parties. Plaid Cymru's nationalism is more inclusionary and not based on ethnicity or race which is why it fits in nicely with their left wing politics, they are based around the idea of self determination rather than expansion or cultural superiority. They are a socialist party who seek self determination.

    Are there people in Plaid who hate the English? Of course there are, but there are nutjobs in every party.

  14. #39

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Wonder what will happen to Dictator Duckford, if the teetotal barsteward tries to enter a pub in Wales.

  15. #40

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    Wonder what will happen to Dictator Duckford, if the teetotal barsteward tries to enter a pub in Wales.
    Absolutely Nothing.

  16. #41

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    War, huh, yeah
    What is it good for

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Absolutely Nothing.

    Good choice of song.

  17. #42

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    War, huh, yeah
    What is it good for

    Good choice of song.
    Say it again, Y'all...

  18. #43

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    No. Firstly, there is a lot of debate as to whether nationalism is an ideology or just a concept that gets added/used by parties. Regardless of that, nationalism is neither left nor right wing as it is not a class based conception of politics much like how environmentalism is neither left nor right wing as that is not based on the traditional class cleavage. As a result you got a lot of flavours of nationalism that can be utilised by left or right, for instance you get the extreme blood and soil style nationalism associated with Nazism and is more commonly found among right wing parties. Plaid Cymru's nationalism is more inclusionary and not based on ethnicity or race which is why it fits in nicely with their left wing politics, they are based around the idea of self determination rather than expansion or cultural superiority. They are a socialist party who seek self determination.

    Are there people in Plaid who hate the English? Of course there are, but there are nutjobs in every party.
    Ladies and Gentlemen that was a party political broadcast by Adam Price , Plaid Cymru

  19. #44

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Ladies and Gentlemen that was a party political broadcast by Adam Price , Plaid Cymru

    You asked a question, I gave you an answer

  20. #45

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    Wonder what will happen to Dictator Duckford, if the teetotal barsteward tries to enter a pub in Wales.
    Nothing too wrong with Mark Drakeford, using the English as guinea pigs more than once over the last year or so seems a good move to me. We can watch Johnson the buffoon foolhardily jump the gun masquerading as the people’s hero when it’s a dangerous bluster playing with folk’s lives. I’m quite ok waiting and staying above ground and breathing.

  21. #46

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Nothing too wrong with Mark Drakeford, using the English as guinea pigs more than once over the last year or so seems a good move to me. We can watch Johnson the buffoon foolhardily jump the gun masquerading as the people’s hero when it’s a dangerous bluster playing with folk’s lives. I’m quite ok waiting and staying above ground and breathing.

  22. #47

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Nothing too wrong with Mark Drakeford, using the English as guinea pigs more than once over the last year or so seems a good move to me. We can watch Johnson the buffoon foolhardily jump the gun masquerading as the people’s hero when it’s a dangerous bluster playing with folk’s lives. I’m quite ok waiting and staying above ground and breathing.
    Mr Cautious won't let the pubs open because, in his eyes, people can pop down the Bay with a few cans and drink as much as they want with no social distancing, and pop a few 'laughing gas canisters' as well. Seems OK, and if our hospitality industry goes down the tubes so be it.
    I was in a pub in 'guinea pig' England last week and the safety rules and regs in place were first class and the beer was good too.

  23. #48

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Mr Cautious won't let the pubs open because, in his eyes, people can pop down the Bay with a few cans and drink as much as they want with no social distancing, and pop a few 'laughing gas canisters' as well. Seems OK, and if our hospitality industry goes down the tubes so be it.
    I was in a pub in 'guinea pig' England last week and the safety rules and regs in place were first class and the beer was good too.
    'In' a pub. Dont think so.
    Next Monday you will be able to have a pint outside, in the Griffin. Enjoy.

  24. #49

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Mr Cautious won't let the pubs open because, in his eyes, people can pop down the Bay with a few cans and drink as much as they want with no social distancing, and pop a few 'laughing gas canisters' as well. Seems OK, and if our hospitality industry goes down the tubes so be it.
    I was in a pub in 'guinea pig' England last week and the safety rules and regs in place were first class and the beer was good too.
    You're Andrew "arty" Davies and I claim my £5!!

    Are you suggesting that regulations/laws should be changed because a tiny fraction of the population break said regulations/laws?

    Looking at the footage at the time it looked to me that a sizeable number down the Bay weren't old enough to go into pubs so how would opening such venues stop such gatherings?

    I suspect you've inhaled a few too many "laughing gas canisters."

  25. #50

    Re: Kicking off in Bath Pub Sir Kier Banned Video ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Former Labour leader View Post
    'In' a pub. Dont think so.
    Next Monday you will be able to have a pint outside, in the Griffin. Enjoy.
    A few of our group went over to Bristol on Saturday and had a great organised day out touring the pubs

    Duck Ford is going to announce opening pubs earlier in May, tomorrow TO GAIN VOTES

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