Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Pollsters sometimes get it wrong but everything points to Labour being the dominant party , propped up in a coalition by the Welsh nationalist Party who are likely to come third behind the tories

If that tells you there is a growing movement for Welsh independence then that doesn't transmit to Welsh peoples voting habits , more people in Wales would rather vote tory than for plaid cymru ?

What does that tell you about this growing movement for Welsh independence ?

I know what it tells me
Polling has gone up dramatically in the past few years and is solidly in the 20s/30s, its hit the point that's its not a complete fringe issue anymore. Even if it doesn't transmit to a vote for Plaid in this one election, held under exceptional circumstances, that's still a better position than it was in this time 5 years ago

Is it really that hard for you to accept that its in a better place than it was? All the polling data is better than it was, more people are coming round to it as a possibility and its even being discussed by the London media. One disappointing result in an election that's been held in spite of us being lockdowns for a year doesn't change the fact that it is growing