Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I give up. I post something which I think reflects what the scientific community are urging about the Indian variant and people come back attacking the paper carrying the stories because it's "a lefty rag", so I post the same story from a source which has no reputation for being left wing and that gets ignored. Someone then brings up party politics, which I had made no mention of, and I do some research into what the rules are concerning travel to red zone countries like India in Wales compared to other countries in the UK and conclude that whether you think Wales can be blamed in the same way some are seeking to blame the UK Government for not stopping travel to India is very much down to the individual and I'm then told I'm losing perspective

Seeing as others have brought party politics into this, wouldn't it be fair to say that, in general through 2020, the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish Governments were more cautious in their decision making when it came to things like easing regulations last summer and going into lockdowns in the autumn and around Christmas? Therefore, couldn't it be argued that it was the UK/English Government that was playing by "different rules" and not the other three?

The English ( UK) Government's actions related to Covid cover 80% approx of the UK population. Wales has a very porous 120 mile long border with England, so whatever England decides has a major effect on the Welsh population. On the big issues we are united UK wide....Hands..Face..Space..Vaccinations..the rest is tinkering around the edges, and being used by Wales and Scotland in particular to make political points.

As I said in the previous post, from today England allows outdoor meetings of groups up to 30 in number. In Wales we allow it for groups up to 50. It's not logical that 50 can meet in Chepstow but only 30 a few miles away in Lydney.
As you know I go camping a lot. As recently as last week I could go to any campsite in England and use the communal toilets. In Wales it was not allowed. If you didn't have on board facilities in you camper van, tough luck. These sorts of differences have a big impact on people but defy logic when it comes to protecting the UK from Covid.
More confusing I could go to a pub in Wales and use the communal toilets, same as England....but not at campsites.