About 35yrs ago I was talking to a daughter of a well-known local person at the time. She was about 22 and had converted to Judaism. She was with her Jewish friend and they'd just returned from the West Bank where they had recently settled. They had taken over the home of a Palestinian family, as was allowed then, and is now. Effectively ethnic cleansing. They must have spent an hour telling me how run-down and shabby the home was and how they would have to make 'improvements'. The fact that they were evicting a family who probably had to scrape together every penny just to survive and make their home habitable for their children didn't cross their mind. Their sense of right and entitlement was in every comment, and has stuck with me all the years that followed as I've seen the tragedies in Palestine unfold.
The Jewish lobby throughout the West is all-pervading, and influences every single political decision. The Palestinians are not 100% victims, that is true, but the reality is that Israel, with their fundamentalists pulling the strings to no less a degree as the Arab world, can do - and do do - pretty much what they like.