Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
I've asked for evidence that this particular house was taken from Palestinians, not a history lesson.

but regarding your own post, you're very selective about when you start looking at the number of Jews in the Levant. Around the start of the 7th century, there were, according to various estimates, between 150,000-400,000 and the number of Arabs was nil. Move forward a hundred yeas, following the Muslim conquest and the figures change quite dramatically.

The Jews were in the Levant way before the Arabs, and were forcibly displaced following military conquest. You ignore this rather conveniently.

You also forget that many Jews were expelled from the Levant under the Ottoman's, who preferred their Muslim Palestinian brothers ahead of the Jew diaspora who had been living in the Levant for many generations.

This issue did not start in the 1920s, and what we are seeing today is one of many rounds of conflict where Jew or Arab have had the upper hand and hegemony.

Turning to the modern day, the Jews accepted the partition plan, the Arabs did not. The Jews have quite literally been fighting for Israel's existence ever since, having been invaded twice by the Arabs, who have had their arses handed to them on a plate both times.

Until Hamas accepts Israel has a right to exist, which is international law (resolution 181 (II)), Israel is within its rights to defend itself.

turning to my scenario, I asked for evidence of this one particular example cited by RJK. All we have had in return is bluster and rhetoric about what may have happened. no evidence has been provided so on that basis, it is difficult to form an opinion on this particular case.
You proposed that 'perhaps' this Palestinian family had illegally taken the house from the Jewish family in the 20's or 30's. As stated based on the geography of the town - that would have been impossible. Also, look at the demographics of the Jewish people from the US who have come to Israel to settle. These are not families who's parents were living in this town in the 20s and 30s.

However, in this specific case you are right in that we all lack context. We do know that these settlements are breaking international law and widely condemned.