Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
Wisconsin up next

Wisconsin becomes the next state to audit the 2020 election as voters still question the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s White House

Wisconsin is officially auditing the results of the 2020 Election, with the official announcement coming today according to Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson.

Robinson announced on Twitter, “The state of Wisconsin authorized an audit of the 2020 election!”

The official audit was ordered almost three months ago by Republicans in the State Legislature, according to Newsweek.

The Joint Legislative Audit Committee voted to order the audit along party lines. The audit will be run by a non-partisan body.

Republicans argue that the measure is necessary to increase transparency in the highly controversial 2020 election, as well as our election system in general.

Since Biden only won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes, it is imperative to ensure that voter fraud played no role in his victory.

Democrats voted against the measure unanimously, warning that an audit will erode trust in the system. This is despite the fact that a transparent audit is likely to restore some trust in a system with well documented irregularities in the 2020 election, widespread concerns over mail-in voting and lack of voter ID laws, and over a third of Americans believing that the election was stolen.

“I know that this audit will help people understand our elections better and hopefully put to rest concerns, and if there are some problems with administration, I’m confident we’ll fix them,” declared State Senator Robert Cowles (R-WI), co-chair of the Audit Committee.

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The full forensic audit comes after Wisconsin only had a recount in two counties in the weeks following the 2020 election.

Unlike the statewide forensic audit, the recount did not throw out ballots if they were found to be illegitimate, thus rendering such efforts ineffective.

The audit also comes as a similar effort in Arizona continues to uncover irregularities and gain national attention. As National File has reported, ballot discrepancies in Arizona are as high as 17.5%, or one out of every six ballots.

Especially as Congressmen Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) travel to Arizona to rally in support of the audit, audits in other states become more likely. The Wisconsin audit is expected to conclude in the fall of 2021.
In Georgia, dozens of lawsuits have been filed challenging the 2020 presidential election results, as conspiracy theories continue to swirl among Trump supporters. Some hardline QAnon followers believe the Arizona recount is just the beginning of a domino effect in which other states will find enough evidence of fraud to overturn the election results and restore Trump as president of the United States. A Georgia audit may add fuel to the fire of those beliefs, but QAnon’s “domino theory” is not based in reality. Recounts have continually found no evidence of fraud, and even if the Arizona and Georgia audits were to do so, they could not change the long-certified 2020 election results.

Arizona’s ballot review has been lambasted as nothing more than political theater, especially considering the bizarre background of those overseeing it and the methods being used. That includes scanning ballots for bamboo fibers, following an absurd conspiracy theory that 40,000 forged ballots were somehow shipped into Arizona from Asia and counted in the election. Doug Logan, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas—which is running the audit—has also pushed a conspiracy theory that a company tied to long-dead Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez somehow rigged voting machines against Trump.

I think the dominos are just fine Mozzer