Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
that old chestnut, whataboutism. This is a device that is used time and again when an individual has been asked to draw parallels but instead takes a defensive stance thus avoiding showing their argument to be full of holes.

LOM makes a valid point in that we don't see mass apoplexy when there are other human catastrophe stories in the news. The common denominator is the Jews. Its pretty clear cut and you'd have to be a special kind of stupid to not see it.
Yes I often reminisce about when we were all celebrating the caliphate gaining territory, on reflection we should have been more critical of the beheadings and of course we would have been if they had been Jewish... Really???

The reason we have these discussions about Israel and not other conflicts is because it's layered and complicated, lots of the things LOM highlights in his rants are cut and dry, they don't naturally provoke discussion. I didn't think this needed pointing out but there we go.