Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
Ok, but did the police know that at the time he was tasered 6 times more than normal? I can understand the police using these methods when they feel threatened, but the copper used the over ride button and tasered him 6 times longer than normal, plus booted him in the head twice, which wasn't called for as Atkinson would've been incapacitated. That was pure spite, surely?
They wouldn’t know he was suffering with a weak heart and kidney failure either. Fight or flight. I’m not one to stick up for coppers but I accept his version of events. In the midst of a fight and violent situation there’s no time for rational thought just instinct. I’m sure you would have more sympathy with the copper too if Dalian happened to be a white chavvy ****er acting in the same manner.

He says he used the over ride button because it failed twice previously