Quote Originally Posted by chrisp_1927 View Post
In terms of the fact he was 18 at the time, for me the only reason that's important is in the context of him not having any 'form' over the next 9 years. I think an 18 year old should take full responsibility for their actions. I don't think a 27yr old should be punished for tweets made at 18, that haven't been followed up since. Ollie Robinson was a complete wanker at the age of 18, thats part of the reason he is 27 before getting into the test side. People don't mature at the same rate, his maturing process obviously came post 18.

If they were recent history I'd support a 2 game ban, but these tweets were 9 years ago
If Robinson had say committed a crime say an assault at 18 and only been identified now do you think we should say ah but hes been a good lad since so lets forget about it.

I think the ECB are doing the right thing. Full investigation and if hes done nothing since is clearly remorseful and not the person he was then probably a short ban.

I dont want his career ruined but then I havent been affected like Michael Carberry , and the others that Robinson thought it so funny to mock.

I dont think just saying forget about it would do the player any favours either.