Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
I think you're talking about this:


Last September, when you said:
"Think they are just saying 6 months as that’s winter over at least, even though the last lockdown started at the end of last winter.....

Maybe there will be a vaccine? Didn’t Vallance say the other day there was a small chance it could be ready for those who need it most by Christmas? Now, that would be the sort of news that if true most people would just toe the line up until then, knowing things will be normal again post Christmas. I’d be happy to sit in for 3 months if it was nailed on this would end once and for all."

And I replied:
"The arrival of the vaccine will be the beginning of the end, but it will still take a painfully long time before we can say it's ended once and for all. "

The end clearly refers to the end of lockdowns, restrictions, etc. Please don't twist my words to make it seem like I said the vaccine was the beginning of the end of the virus itself.

Later that day in the thread you called me "the merchant of doom"
but time hasn't proven me wrong yet, wouldn't you say goats?
Things aren’t doom like at all are they? Doom monger