Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
you've got a cheek talking about things being so easy for people. you believe that you are the only person on here who can writ properly and that your posts must be respected just because they come from you. You may know a lot about City but that doesn't make you omnipotent in all things.
I said that your statement (of fact) that the ONLY reason India was kept off the red list was because Boris wanted to visit was bollox. It is an opinion, that's all.

For every post someone puts up stating black someone else will find something that says white. Most of the posts are peppered with words like if should might could maybe and so on. None of it is fact most of the time. But because it's printed in the Guardian or somewhere else within your myopic vision it must be so. Get a life!!
Touched a nerve there didn’t I . Have another look at what I actually said rather than what you think I said, how can I be making a statement of fact as you call it when I end what I say with a question mark?