I think it’s a fair point about the possibility of UK home workers being replaced by cheaper, foreign Labour, but I worked from home for three and a half days a week all through the noughties and had to work to an increased target as a trade off for doing so. I’ll not lie, there’d be afternoons where I’d be sat down drinking a cup of tea and watching a test match, but only because I’d worked really hard in the morning to clear my desk so to speak. Also, I couldn’t nip out to do some shopping/go for a pint etc because my phone would ring in the office and so they would have known if I’d gone out. Working from home isn’t for everyone, but I was grateful for it and I used to like going into the office a lot more than I did when I was there every day, but because of the “social side” of office life, I got a lot more done at home than I ever did in the office.