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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #7826

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Wales following England's lead seems to be the right decision. However, for the sake of balance it has to be said that when Johnson made a similar announcement he was branded on this site as a buffoon for that announcement. No similar statements have been made about Drakeford's announcement yet. Johnson might be a buffoon but not for making a decision designed to save lives even at the expense of the economy.

  2. #7827

    Re: Coronavirus update

    From a health perspective, I think the most desired thing now is ensuring people come for second jab and those missed attend a first one. Wales now 8% ahead of Scotland (2nd) in terms of first jabs to over 18's with Wales on 88.1% done and 1.4% behind England (1st) in terms of second jabs - Wales on 56.8%.

    From a business perspective, I hope we can start to utilise 1m plus with good ventilation and mask wearing being focused on. We need to support local businesses over things like Amazon where we can.

  3. #7828

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Wales following England's lead seems to be the right decision. However, for the sake of balance it has to be said that when Johnson made a similar announcement he was branded on this site as a buffoon for that announcement. No similar statements have been made about Drakeford's announcement yet. Johnson might be a buffoon but not for making a decision designed to save lives even at the expense of the economy.
    I hope you are not suggesting its one rule for Boris ( evil empire overlord ) and one for Drakeford ( hero of Wales ) ? ?

  4. #7829

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Who is the 'we' in that statement? From what I can see the majority view amongst the public (from polls) and the media is that Cummings is probably telling the truth mostly, but that his credibility is so shot that it won't have much impact - and anyway a large percentage of the public are not surprised by any of the allegations, think that themselves, but for some reason don't care!

    For once the Daily Star has captured the mood of the nation!

    Attachment 4451
    dont worry, i didnt include you in that " we "

  5. #7830

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Wales following England's lead seems to be the right decision....
    Within the link you've replied to it states:

    "On June 4 the First Minister had announced a two-phased approach to reaching the final Alert Level One easing of restrictions. Two weeks ago Mark Drakeford had warned that the Delta variant “adds a new level of uncertainty and complexity.”

    Then later it says:

    "In response to reports of a delay to easing restrictions, the Welsh Conservatives said: “This does not come as a surprise, particularly in light of the concerns over the delta variant. “However, I hope Labour ministers are giving consideration to easing some of the restrictions on major life events such as weddings and funerals."

    The Welsh Conservatives comment perhaps highlighting that Boris had in effect created a phased approach himself after June 4th delaying "freedom day" but allowing weddings to go ahead without cap on guests//as long as there was no dancing. And I've split that up because Tories here want people to know something important could have been allowed without mentioning the bizarre conditions on it.

  6. #7831

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Within the link you've replied to it states:

    "On June 4 the First Minister had announced a two-phased approach to reaching the final Alert Level One easing of restrictions. Two weeks ago Mark Drakeford had warned that the Delta variant “adds a new level of uncertainty and complexity.”

    Then later it says:

    "In response to reports of a delay to easing restrictions, the Welsh Conservatives said: “This does not come as a surprise, particularly in light of the concerns over the delta variant. “However, I hope Labour ministers are giving consideration to easing some of the restrictions on major life events such as weddings and funerals."

    The Welsh Conservatives comment perhaps highlighting that Boris had in effect created a phased approach himself after June 4th delaying "freedom day" but allowing weddings to go ahead without cap on guests//as long as there was no dancing. And I've split that up because Tories here want people to know something important could have been allowed without mentioning the bizarre conditions on it.
    But isn't Drakeford proposing to make a further announcement in view of Johnson's statement last Monday? Why make an announcement if the view in Wales remains the same?

  7. #7832

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    But isn't Drakeford proposing to make a further announcement in view of Johnson's statement last Monday? Why make an announcement if the view in Wales remains the same?
    It might have played a role in changing content of announcement but it hasn't created a further announcement from what I can tell. I say that because a lot easier to slow easing of lockdown if England has already done so due to lack of public and press backlash and size/closeness of border, but likely that that was the desired plan for all nations regardless of what England did.

    Imo, since schools went back for one day in England after Christmas Westminster has become a lot more cautious - waiting 5 weeks between stages is cautious even if shouting "freedom day" and whispering "no earlier than" was a gamble which hasn't paid off - and I think that's so most people forget how reckless Boris and his government was before that moment. Drakeford has been largely cautious throughout, sometimes painfully so, which overall means spirit of Boris' behaviour has moved to be more like Drakeford.

  8. #7833

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    It might have played a role in changing content of announcement but it hasn't created a further announcement from what I can tell.
    Sky News are reporting that Drakeford has announced today a 4 week pause in relaxing lockdown arrangements in Wales. Sounds familiar to me.

  9. #7834

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Sky News are reporting that Drakeford has announced today a 4 week pause in relaxing lockdown arrangements in Wales. Sounds familiar to me.
    I see what Boris did on the 14th largely similar to what Drakeford did on the 4th and looks like any outstanding differences will be removed by Drakeford's expected announcement tomorrow. Therefore I disagree with your statement that it's simply Wales copying England, but it is probably a case of when the reviews fell in the calendar now that Delta Variant in the news.

    I can say that final point because Boris has moved much closer to caution employed by devolved nations since 6th of January 2021 and, imo, that's partly because no one can criticise him for being reckless, and make it stick, if he's been so slow and cautious in recent memory. Although if things get worse (obviously I don't want them to) using "terminus date" to describe 19th of July will make people see him as reckless again.

  10. #7835

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I’m having my 25th CPR test on Monday, despite having had Covid, been vaccinated, had 2 Anti-bodies tests and numerous LFTs, another 5 due in July! Thank goodness the company is paying.

  11. #7836

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    I see what Boris did on the 14th largely similar to what Drakeford did on the 4th and looks like any outstanding differences will be removed by Drakeford's expected announcement tomorrow. Therefore I disagree with your statement that it's simply Wales copying England, but it is probably a case of when the reviews fell in the calendar now that Delta Variant in the news.

    I can say that final point because Boris has moved much closer to caution employed by devolved nations since 6th of January 2021 and, imo, that's partly because no one can criticise him for being reckless, and make it stick, if he's been so slow and cautious in recent memory. Although if things get worse (obviously I don't want them to) using "terminus date" to describe 19th of July will make people see him as reckless again.
    Nice try.

  12. #7837

    Re: Coronavirus update

    With the Delta variant now spreading thanks to yet another balls up and no doubt being convinced by the likes of Vallance and Whitty the bufoon had little choice than follow Drakeford's cautious approach.

  13. #7838

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    With the Delta variant now spreading thanks to yet another balls up and no doubt being convinced by the likes of Vallance and Whitty the bufoon had little choice than follow Drakeford's cautious approach.
    Several people have said Drakeford follows a cautious approach and that England are following Wales. People were not saying that when Drakeford ended his unilateral firebreak last year before reinstating it as cases rose sharply. Then we saw people queuing up outside shops with no social distancing; pubs were open; places of worship were able to hold services etc while England was in lockdown. The results of Drakeford's actions were catastrophic with the Welsh figures rising rapidly. I would hardly describe that as cautious.

    Now turning to the point that Wales are leading England I wonder if people on here understand how things work. I'll tell you. What happens is that Wales receives all the technical advice from England. All the individual papers to the groups affected by the lockdown such as the hospitality industry and sports venues are produced in England. All that Wales does is get a very minor civil servant to amend the documentation to include the word "Wales" where England is mentioned. There is a bit more to it than that but you get the gist. Then the hierarchy in the Welsh government decide what to do next. That is where they have a real roll but they are heavily influenced by what happens in England and I can't help concluding that the main motivation is to do things differently in order to exert their independence.

    Clearly this tactic has duped the voting public but I find the conclusion reached by those on here is based more on anti Tory rhetoric than fact.

  14. #7839

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Several people have said Drakeford follows a cautious approach and that England are following Wales....
    Several people have implied it's slightly more complex than that and treating it as "who is following who?" is a simplistic analysis. You've said the gist of it is that Wales changes name on document and whacks it out.

    What is happening in England does have an influence partly because of size of border and how close people live to border - this makes us different to Scotland - but clearly different decisions have been made at different times. After the initial shared approach regarding potentially ill people into care homes different decisions became more clear and now they're more aligned again.

  15. #7840

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Several people have implied it's slightly more complex than that and treating it as "who is following who?" is a simplistic analysis. You've said the gist of it is that Wales changes name on document and whacks it out.

    What is happening in England does have an influence partly because of size of border and how close people live to border - this makes us different to Scotland - but clearly different decisions have been made at different times. After the initial shared approach regarding potentially ill people into care homes different decisions became more clear and now they're more aligned again.
    I was merely replying to the post I linked where it was stated the buffoon was following Drakeford's cautious approach. As for your comments they are more balanced than some but I don't entirely agree with them. Where we do agree is that the matter is complex. Let's face it whoever is in charge is likely to be criticised as we are all looking at this through our retrospective scope and it is so easy to criticise after the event. I don't think any politician, be it Drakeford or Johnson, should be blamed for taking action in order to save lives.

  16. #7841

    Re: Coronavirus update

    The delay in the easing of COVID restrictions in England has raised questions about government decisions in April as cases surged in India. This is the story of the Delta variant. In 7 mins.

    Latest from BBC's Ros Atkins which is really worth a watch. "We're talking about Delta and India now but in 6 months it will be a different variant" was one comment highlighted in this fantastically presented summary.

    Regarding vaccines, Wales has first jabbed 88.3% of population over 18 as of 17th of June (1st, Scotland is second with 81%) and second jabbed 58.4% (2nd, England is first with 59%). It's not a race and dependent on people coming forward especially if they think they've been missed.

  17. #7842
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    There is less and less justification for the continuation of lockdowns and restrictions and generally people are getting pissed off with it.
    Other than people on here no one I talk to believes any of the numbers quoted to justify it. Its easy to say thing like "Infections have risen 60%" without pointing out that the actual numbers are 80 rising from 50.
    I looked at the comments on the BBC report earlier and as surprised by the number of people saying it is just Drakeford
    being determined to cling to control of the population. some believe it is his natural wish springing from his extreme left wing communist inspired inclination that the masses must be kept under control.

    But here is the question. In Parliament the act which gives the government the powers it needs to continue lockdowns and the like is finite, and to continue it the government needs to go to parliament to get the law extended. It would have lost this latest vote had it not been supported by labour.
    But in Wales we never hear anything about the Senedd having a debate on extending lockdown powers. It seems that the laws passed in Wales have no time limit on them, and I believe we passed for more things into actual laws than parliament have.
    so does anyone know what the limitations are or can he keep doing this for as long as he thinks he will get away with it?

    It reminds me of the Plaid member who complained last years about the Senedd not being given the opportunities to debate and vote on restrictions. She said then it was 'rule by dictat' and it seems to be still the same.

  18. #7843

    Re: Coronavirus update

    New cases have doubled to 484 in Wales with the main concentration still being in the north,, but up to 77 in Cardiff.


  19. #7844

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Need those 2nd jabs in arms. I had mine a couple of hours ago.

    Wise decision to delay lifting restrictions.

    If only the bufoon had acted and closed the border with India sooner.

  20. #7845

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Wales has now first jabbed 88.7% and second jabbed 60.2% of people aged 18 as of 20th of June.

    At some point the focus will switch again to asking why 11.3% haven't accessed their first jab and if there is anything that can be done to make any of them feel more confident about it.

  21. #7846

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Wales has now first jabbed 88.7% and second jabbed 60.2% of people aged 18 as of 20th of June.

    At some point the focus will switch again to asking why 11.3% haven't accessed their first jab and if there is anything that can be done to make any of them feel more confident about it.
    There is definitely a good 10% of pure twats out there…..let them suffer the consequences I guess the selfish t w a t s

  22. #7847

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Wales has now first jabbed 88.7% and second jabbed 60.2% of people aged 18 as of 20th of June.

    At some point the focus will switch again to asking why 11.3% haven't accessed their first jab and if there is anything that can be done to make any of them feel more confident about it.
    Amongst that will be people who've yet to have their jab but still intend to get one. For instance though all young people have been offered one their jab appointment may not have come around yet

    I think 90%+ uptake would be great and probably better than the government expected.

  23. #7848

  24. #7849

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Stuff like why they waited so long really makes you wonder about how much they love imposing control over our lives, it begs belief they had flights just coming in with no restrictions….Drakeford obv loves the control too and throws messages of doom out there every few weeks, helped by the ineptitude of the Westminster clowns of course.

  25. #7850

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I think this highlights the issue with politicians "following the science" rather than accurately anticipating what's going to happen next and acting accordingly, at least in situations where once the data is showing something happening it's already too late.

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