Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
Re. your 3 replies to my post, I think you're completely missing the point. Anyway. Change doesn't bother me, I've lived a full life so far, and apart from the occasional daily 15 minutes on CCMB etc., I've done things that nowadays admittedly seem 'outdated'. Like shopping for food and clothing etc., in real places, meeting real people. Talking to real people face-to-face, seeing what they look like below their shoulders. Meeting work. business colleagues, nights out, actually going out each and every day having different experiences, the same with the Missus, swapping notes. Of course, I could now do all that looking a screen no bigger than a fag packet, without leaving my bedroom - maybe my bed.
You post rude aggressive replies to a perfectly reasonable opinion, and assume that you are correct, better able to judge, and I am some sort of dinosaur. The irony is lost on you, no doubt.
I only replied twice and you were the one labelling productive people like myself slackers for being able to work from home without adult supervision. Something you obviously require.
Yes, everyone who works from home does nothing but stay at home all day. We crave a life of meeting old Mrs. Muggles in the pasta aisle in Tesco.

My opinion is perfectly reasonable, clogging roads up with cars is so last year.