This is a farcical decision, and is typical of the Welsh Government. They hate motorists.
Apart from anything else, the figures clearly state that transport provides 17% of carbon emissions. SO WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER 83%? What are they planning to do about that? After 2030, the law will prevent you buying a petrol or diesel car, so in theory, emissions will reduce, albeit gradually. In the meantime, they could replace all busses with electric (easy to charge them overnight at the terminus) and insist all taxis go electric by 2030.

But apart from all that, let's not beat around the bush here - Wales is already a backwater, and this will just make it worse. The biggest reason for a lack of investment is the state of the M4, and everyone knows it. When the UK Government threatened to build it, the WAG should have jumped at the chance. But no, they're all short-sighted nitwits, and would rather that we all suffer than be seen to take anything from a Tory government. They're pathetic.