Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
Another point Bob, is that the medics cry out about how many people are testing positive but they are testing far far more people now than they were before and the numbers aren't as high. Even the people who do the analysis of the numbers accept that if you test more people it's inevitable that you will capture more positive results, but the vast number today are mild infection that require no hospitalisation, and those that do tend not to require invasive oxygen or intensive care. A vastly different scenario to last June or December
I think we all get that you just want to do what you want and don't give a bugger for the effects. You have literally hundreds if not thousands of posts telling everyone. Fair enough. If that's the way you roll. But what I find irksome is you constantly misinform in your posts.

One example here - there are NOT more tests being carried out now than at the beginning of 2021 as you claim in this post. Check any data source you like. Here's the official one: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/testing
"They" aren't finding more cases because "they" are doing more testing. There is an upsurge in cases because there are more cases. End of. What you're coming out with is straight out of the Trump Covid-denying playbook.

Please stop posting wild inaccuracies, what is effectively your biased take on the situation and misinformation. Provide links to reputable sites/data to back up what claims you make.