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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #8026

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    So now you believe every word from the mouth of a man whom a year ago everyone was calling a complete liar.
    The man who promised a government committee he would give them all the documentary proof of hat he said and to date has produced absolutely nothing.
    That's good then.
    And now you dont believe a word as hes criticising the bufoon and outside the govt.

  2. #8027

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Update: Both Johnson and Sunak announcing they will isolate.

    Has this been an example of strong and clear communication?
    Everyone moans about the Government of the day as a matter of course, but I honestly haven't seen a more useless bunch than this lot - their political judgement is appalling. So many of the things they've got slaughtered for over the past eighteen months and more have been self inflicted.

  3. #8028

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    So now you believe every word from the mouth of a man whom a year ago everyone was calling a complete liar.
    The man who promised a government committee he would give them all the documentary proof of hat he said and to date has produced absolutely nothing.
    That's good then.
    as he stated there are many witnesses to these actions

  4. #8029

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    And now you dont believe a word as hes criticising the bufoon and outside the govt.
    Didn’t believe a word he said before or after….a massive cnut if ever there was one

  5. #8030
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    And now you dont believe a word as hes criticising the bufoon and outside the govt.
    I never expressed an opinion in the first place.

  6. #8031
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    as he stated there are many witnesses to these actions
    Like he told Jeremy hunt in his evidence to a committee that he would produce all the documents to back up his statement and has produced nothing.

  7. #8032

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Like he told Jeremy hunt in his evidence to a committee that he would produce all the documents to back up his statement and has produced nothing.
    so which part of what he said do you believe to be untrue?

  8. #8033

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    And now you dont believe a word as hes criticising the bufoon and outside the govt.
    Out of interest, who would you believe out of Johnson and Cummings?

    I’d go for Cummings if we were talking about his testimony to that committee, but, beyond that, I think I’d pass.

  9. #8034
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Tony Blair has been the only voice of reason in all this .

  10. #8035

    Re: Coronavirus update

    It's incredible too me that 18 months in to this pandemic so many businesses still do not understand the need for ventilation.

    ****ing see it all the time. Tables wiped, visors on, hand wash by the door - all the things which we know don't make much difference. And then they close the windows and doors.

    I don't even really blame the businesses. It's the fault of government for failing to batter home the message of hope this thing works dynamically - changing with our understanding of it.

    It's not even a complex message: inside bad, outside good, the more ventilation the better. A child could understand. And yet we have somehow failed to communicate it.

    Tables wiped and hand gel good for improving hygiene and reducing the spread of general infections; social distancing and ventilation good for reducing spread of general infections and covid; mask wearing potentially falling into former group but current thinking is falls into latter group.

    Effective messaging, compliance* and vaccine uptake will put us in as strong a position as possible.

    *partially personal responsibility, partially government support.

    Tweet shared from English source so speaking about England health.

  11. #8036
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Introduce vaccine passports for double jab.( to activate / motivate those who are hesitant)

    Masks in public places remain in law .

    Once we're are a 90% vaccine population the better .

    Allow double jabbed people not have to isolate, and remove all restrictions for them when pinged .

    Remove social distances and adjust the app accordingly.

    Let NHS return to work and ignore NHS pings , however enable daily lateral flow test and include public transport , all forms of hospitality and supermarket workers.

    Advise to still apply the 2 meter , were masks do as they are now .

    Sorry ,most of above are Blairs ideas.

  12. #8037

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Out of interest, who would you believe out of Johnson and Cummings?

    I’d go for Cummings if we were talking about his testimony to that committee, but, beyond that, I think I’d pass.
    Difficult one.

    Just shows what a complete shambles this govt is.

  13. #8038
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    so which part of what he said do you believe to be untrue?

    probably all of it, he has a personal agendum. But the same could be said for him and for any politician, you know they are lying if their mouths are moving.

  14. #8039
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    so which part of what he said do you believe to be untrue?

    probably all of it, he has a personal agendum. But the same could be said for him and for any politician, you know they are lying if their mouths are moving.

  15. #8040

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    So now you believe every word from the mouth of a man whom a year ago everyone was calling a complete liar.
    The man who promised a government committee he would give them all the documentary proof of hat he said and to date has produced absolutely nothing.
    That's good then.
    lets be honest, most said Cummings was a Liar over the years, now he is acting like a Bitter Jilted Psycho ex-girlfriend he becomes even more of a liability for the truth, but he is now a friend of any left leaning person, the truth doesnt matter to them for political point scoring

  16. #8041

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    lets be honest, most said Cummings was a Liar over the years, now he is acting like a Bitter Jilted Psycho ex-girlfriend he becomes even more of a liability for the truth, but he is now a friend of any left leaning person, the truth doesnt matter to them for political point scoring
    It's interesting to look back just over a year at the thread about Cummings' appearance in front of the media in which he tried to explain away his jaunt to Barnard's Castle and to how those posters who defend the current UK Government responded at the time;-


    To be fair to someone like Vindec, he was very clear in his opinion that Cummings had to go and that was the impression I got from Elwood as well. There were some others who put their heads above the parapet to offer what seemed to me a somewhat half hearted defence of the man and then there were people like you who, presumably, to use a phrase that appeared in the thread, wanted the whole thing to "blow over".

    Strange now then that you and one or two others are adamant that Cummings is a liar and always has been and yet you were unwilling to be so outspoken about him last year when Johnson, and many in his party, were insisting there was nothing wrong in the way he behaved.

    Why should this be? Was your silence last year down to the fact that Cummings was on the inside of a Conservative Government then and so had to be protected accordingly?

    Do you really believe that Cummings just made up everything he said in his testimony to that Committee of MPs back in May?

    How about the farce yesterday, whereby the PM and Chancellor were exempt from isolation, then they weren't and then Johnson "explained" it away by claiming he had briefly considered () claiming an exemption because he was part of some scheme that was unheard of until yesterday, but thought better of it - that might have worked were it not for the fact that it had been announced he and Sunak were exempt hours earlier.

    You're in no position to lecture those of us on the left about supporting Cummings. Based on what I've seen and read, people know what Cummings is, but look at his testimony in May and think, in this instance, there is a ring of truth to it. You're probably one of those Conservatives who trot out the line about people in the south Wales valleys voting for anything that wears a red rosette, but your actions, or, to be more exact, inaction over the past year marks you out as someone who does the same as long as long as the rosette is blue.

  17. #8042

  18. #8043

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    what are they protesting?

  19. #8044

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Boris Johnson warns of "continuing risk" posed by nightclubs as he says from September clubbers will have to be double vaccinated to attend.

    By that's 8 weeks away - will surely face questions over wisdom of allowing them to open today?

    PM says 3 million of 18-30 age group have yet to take up their vaccine offer. Hope in govt is that nightclub vaccine passport plan will boost take-up.

    Chief Scientist Patrick Vallance says that nightclubs can be "super spreader events".
    He adds: "I would expect we will continue to see an increase in cases."
    Again, it's not even 18 hours since they opened them.

    If you're going to remove legal restrictions then clear messaging to ensure good understanding matters. Can anyone work out the theory behind this one?

  20. #8045

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    If you're going to remove legal restrictions then clear messaging to ensure good understanding matters. Can anyone work out the theory behind this one?
    Dirty nightclubbing youngsters to be blamed for the next lockdown, a useful tool to deflect blame from his government's repeated failings

  21. #8046

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It's interesting to look back just over a year at the thread about Cummings' appearance in front of the media in which he tried to explain away his jaunt to Barnard's Castle and to how those posters who defend the current UK Government responded at the time;-


    To be fair to someone like Vindec, he was very clear in his opinion that Cummings had to go and that was the impression I got from Elwood as well. There were some others who put their heads above the parapet to offer what seemed to me a somewhat half hearted defence of the man and then there were people like you who, presumably, to use a phrase that appeared in the thread, wanted the whole thing to "blow over".

    Strange now then that you and one or two others are adamant that Cummings is a liar and always has been and yet you were unwilling to be so outspoken about him last year when Johnson, and many in his party, were insisting there was nothing wrong in the way he behaved.

    Why should this be? Was your silence last year down to the fact that Cummings was on the inside of a Conservative Government then and so had to be protected accordingly?

    Do you really believe that Cummings just made up everything he said in his testimony to that Committee of MPs back in May?

    How about the farce yesterday, whereby the PM and Chancellor were exempt from isolation, then they weren't and then Johnson "explained" it away by claiming he had briefly considered () claiming an exemption because he was part of some scheme that was unheard of until yesterday, but thought better of it - that might have worked were it not for the fact that it had been announced he and Sunak were exempt hours earlier.

    You're in no position to lecture those of us on the left about supporting Cummings. Based on what I've seen and read, people know what Cummings is, but look at his testimony in May and think, in this instance, there is a ring of truth to it. You're probably one of those Conservatives who trot out the line about people in the south Wales valleys voting for anything that wears a red rosette, but your actions, or, to be more exact, inaction over the past year marks you out as someone who does the same as long as long as the rosette is blue.
    Thanks for acknowledging the fact that I said Cummings should have gone from the outset. I call things out as I see them but that can't be said for everyone.Leaving the Cummings issue aside, the points you make can in general just as easily be attributed to those who vote Labour as well as Conservative on the various threads that appear on these pages. As I see it the difference is that some people vote for political parties at elections based on their policies at the time; they do not always vote for a Party because that is the only way they have always voted. There is very little criticism of Starmer on these pages but after more than a year as Leader I still haven't the foggiest what he stands for but as a contributor on here I feel there is absolutely no point in making any points about his performance as I will only get shouted down. Life is too short. My guess is that others who don't follow the views of the majority on here feel the same.

    I know it's hard to accept, but for many voters had two choices at the last election - Corbyn (potentially dangerous with a radical following) or the buffoon Johnson. Johnson came out on top as the least worst option but what I don't get is that left leaning contributors always seem to decry those who voted differently.

    As far as I'm concerned I believe that Johnson will have to resign if this idiotic relaxation of the COVID restrictions results in hospitals getting swamped with COVID patients. That is not a view based on politics but is based on how I feel. I will happily criticise anyone, irrespective of political allegiance, if I happen to disagree with them.

  22. #8047

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It's interesting to look back just over a year at the thread about Cummings' appearance in front of the media in which he tried to explain away his jaunt to Barnard's Castle and to how those posters who defend the current UK Government responded at the time;-


    To be fair to someone like Vindec, he was very clear in his opinion that Cummings had to go and that was the impression I got from Elwood as well. There were some others who put their heads above the parapet to offer what seemed to me a somewhat half hearted defence of the man and then there were people like you who, presumably, to use a phrase that appeared in the thread, wanted the whole thing to "blow over".

    Strange now then that you and one or two others are adamant that Cummings is a liar and always has been and yet you were unwilling to be so outspoken about him last year when Johnson, and many in his party, were insisting there was nothing wrong in the way he behaved.

    Why should this be? Was your silence last year down to the fact that Cummings was on the inside of a Conservative Government then and so had to be protected accordingly?

    Do you really believe that Cummings just made up everything he said in his testimony to that Committee of MPs back in May?

    How about the farce yesterday, whereby the PM and Chancellor were exempt from isolation, then they weren't and then Johnson "explained" it away by claiming he had briefly considered () claiming an exemption because he was part of some scheme that was unheard of until yesterday, but thought better of it - that might have worked were it not for the fact that it had been announced he and Sunak were exempt hours earlier.

    You're in no position to lecture those of us on the left about supporting Cummings. Based on what I've seen and read, people know what Cummings is, but look at his testimony in May and think, in this instance, there is a ring of truth to it. You're probably one of those Conservatives who trot out the line about people in the south Wales valleys voting for anything that wears a red rosette, but your actions, or, to be more exact, inaction over the past year marks you out as someone who does the same as long as long as the rosette is blue.
    I don’t think many defended the twat did they? Moreover, what happened to Heisenberg, ccfc3po and Wales bales? The latter two ripe for being multis mind

  23. #8048

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Over 60% of the people in hospital with COVID infection have not had even a first dose of vaccine. Begs the question why not? Something for our statisticians to take a look at I think.

  24. #8049

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I don’t think many defended the twat did they? Moreover, what happened to Heisenberg, ccfc3po and Wales bales? The latter two ripe for being multis mind
    Heisenberg asked for his account to be deleted because of the moderation on here.

  25. #8050

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Over 60% of the people in hospital with COVID infection have not had even a first dose of vaccine. Begs the question why not? Something for our statisticians to take a look at I think.
    More a job for the behavioural psychologists, although the vaccine uptake in the young will probably shoot up in order to get a 'nightclub' passport.

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