Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
Sol Campbell was a good player, probably one of the best in this country at for a time.
In world terms, I'm not so sure.

IMHO, to be considered world class, you'd have to have something to show for it.

He never won the Champions League, won nothing at international level (tho he did make team of the tournament a couple of times) but I don't remember him ever being nominated for the Balon d'or.

If you listen to him speaking mind you, he was the GOAT, such an air of superiority, right up there with Garth Crooks

Re the OP, bloke's an arsehole.
Amongst other things the guy won 2 Premier Leagues (including the unbeaten season), 3 FA Cups, got to the Champions League Final (and scored) and was in the team of the tournament at the 2002 World Cup and the 2004 Euro's. I don't know what his personality's like but to say he wasn't world class is ridiculous