A Covid-Weary World Is Facing a Distressing Reality Check Variants and new hotspots show what the virus’s long tail will be like: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...&sref=jjXJRDFv

That inequality is repeated around the globe. According to the Bloomberg Vaccine Tracker, the wealthiest 25 countries and regions around the globe have administered 18% of the total doses given, despite having only 9% of the population.

Those conditions are “a toxic cocktail for disaster,” said Joanne Liu, professor of global health at Montreal’s McGill University and former international president of Doctors Without Borders.

“It’s like climate change,” she said from Tunisia, where she’s helping in the Covid response. “We see it coming, we don’t know how we’re going to stop it. It needs a huge collective effort, meaning solidarity, sharing and equitable distribution of vaccine and goods.”
Just been on a WhatsApp call with old colleagues in Sierra Leone. All reporting friends and family dying. No covid testing and nobody is counting them. They’re bemused that anyone in the west thinks they can put a number on their losses. Asked me can I please help with vaccines…

While caution and collective action still needed here, it's getting to stage where much bigger story is how covid will last for years more in poorer nations before there is widespread vaccination - some not expecting that until start of 2023.