Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
I think bravery's too complicated a thing to quantify simplistically with "firemen and soldiers are the bravest because they do things they might die doing"

It's all relative to the situation.

Who's braver -the person who's not scared of doing something or the person who's absolutely terrified of doing it but does it anyway?

A fireman might feel ok about running into a burning building but be too scared to tell his friends that he's depressed.

A 15 year old boy coming out to his family and friends not knowing if they'll accept him or shun him? Brave as f**k. Is it the same kind of bravery as a soldier running into a gunfight to grab his injured mate? Of course not.

There isn't a sliding scale of bravery, you don't have to try and simplify everything into simple black and white answers.
Well played