Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
Oh I an see changes, i can see the cost of living has risen, i can see produce missing from the shelves ( though that is partly due to lack of drivers by all accounts ) in the grand scheme of life, The roaming charges dont really bother me, and i certainly understand moaning about it on a football message board will not alter it

will we have worse times before they get better, it was never going to be easy sailing, we are also in a pandemic, so lets see what pans out, i will certainly be making the most of life, not fretting about roaming charges of £10 for 30 days if i holiday in europe
Why is it going to get better? What did you have in mind?

And why are we missing drivers?

It's not just drivers by the way. If you get a couple of pieces of info wrong in 1000 on your customs declarations it can take a day off the shelf life of 40% of a supermarket's product. And that is now, before the increase in customs obligations in Oct. In short- importing certain types of food becomes unfeasible.

Making the most of life is always good advice and we all will. But the most of life got worse for all of us.

You've still not suggested a positive by the way