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Thread: roaming charges

  1. #76

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Why do the Brexiters want to constantly refer to Remainers as "losers" and complaining that they "moan"? That's playground bullying BS. It isn't helping the UK heal one little bit. It's pouring rocket fuel on the fires of the Scottish, Irish and Welsh independence movements in case you (Billy Brits) hadn't noticed.

    (For the record, I'm an American and couldn't vote in the referendum.)
    Because, in the face of debate, all the Brexiters can resort to is name calling. Ask them for a benefit to Brexit, and they are stumped. So, it follows that playground names is their only reply. As if that answers the question

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: roaming charges

    Gower Salt Marsh Lamb has been given the protected status because of its specific breeding requirements happy times for 3,500 Welsh Marsh lambs , it will mean that it has a unique status , we could see this for other types of specialised unique to UK only protected status products .

    If your within the EU It was possible for a few products to have a unique status a lot were not i.e. Gower Salt Marsh Lamb.

    Lets see if this leads to more .

  3. #78

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Gower Salt Marsh Lamb has been given the protected status because of its specific breeding requirements happy times for 3,500 Welsh Marsh lambs , it will mean that it has a unique status , we could see this for other types of specialised unique to UK only protected status products .

    If your within the EU It was possible for a few products to have a unique status a lot were not i.e. Gower Salt Marsh Lamb.

    Lets see if this leads to more .
    I've heard of salt marsh lamb, but never gower salt marsh lamb as anything specifically different.
    Not sure what this really means, that someone rearing salt marsh lamb somewhere else can't call it "gower salt marsh lamb"? why would the want to?
    this probably effects one or two farmers on the Gower

  4. #79
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    Mar 2016

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Perhaps you can explain how the UK government can tell phone companies to keep scrapping roaming charges when we are no longer in the EU?
    ye those lying phone companies who told us that roaming would not return ,I'm sure some legislation is heading down the line as we can control that now .

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I've heard of salt marsh lamb, but never gower salt marsh lamb as anything specifically different.
    Not sure what this really means, that someone rearing salt marsh lamb somewhere else can't call it "gower salt marsh lamb"? why would the want to?
    this probably effects one or two farmers on the Gower
    Yes its unique to the UK which is the wider issue and opportunity .

    There is about 3,500 lambs that the specific vegetation and environment of the salt marshes on the north Gower coastline makes it unique.

    These are not jack lambs

  6. #81

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Gower Salt Marsh Lamb has been given the protected status because of its specific breeding requirements happy times for 3,500 Welsh Marsh lambs , it will mean that it has a unique status , we could see this for other types of specialised unique to UK only protected status products .

    If your within the EU It was possible for a few products to have a unique status a lot were not i.e. Gower Salt Marsh Lamb.

    Lets see if this leads to more .
    Seems it was worth while all along then!

  7. #82

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Seems it was worth while all along then!
    Indeed. So Polish lamb farmers cannot call their product "Gower salt marsh lamb". Enormous win. Our total global lamb exports are almost £400m, the Gower salt marsh lamb exports must be in to the tens of thousands of pounds! And now they are protected from some charlatan flogging their own lamb under that banner - there is no evidence of that happening but still, a huge win.

    EDIT: Oh yeah I remembered. Lamb exports to the EU are shafted because of Brexit anyway. Thus undoing the fine work described above. All because of all of that pesky detail as regards how international trade actually works which were widely warned about during the referendum campaign. Like this:


  8. #83

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    ye those lying phone companies who told us that roaming would not return ,I'm sure some legislation is heading down the line as we can control that now .
    As long as you are sure, that's fine. I can't speak for everyone else, but I for one can relax now that I know you are sure that fantasy legislation is coming in to undo this.

    What about frictioness trade? Are they going to legislate for that too?

  9. #84

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    Indeed. So Polish lamb farmers cannot call their product "Gower salt marsh lamb". Enormous win. Our total global lamb exports are almost £400m, the Gower salt marsh lamb exports must be in to the tens of thousands of pounds! And now they are protected from some charlatan flogging their own lamb under that banner - there is no evidence of that happening but still, a huge win.

    EDIT: Oh yeah I remembered. Lamb exports to the EU are shafted because of Brexit anyway. Thus undoing the fine work described above. All because of all of that pesky detail as regards how international trade actually works which were widely warned about during the referendum campaign. Like this:

    actually polish lamb farmers can still call their lamb "Gower salt marsh lamb" if they like, you have to apply to the EU to stop them from doing that.
    they just can't sell it here called that I guess.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: roaming charges

    Ideal opportunity for Clarkes Pies , watch this space ( P.M.A.)

  11. #86

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    ye those lying phone companies who told us that roaming would not return ,I'm sure some legislation is heading down the line as we can control that now .
    till then you will have to pay £10 for 30 days

  12. #87

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    till then you will have to pay £10 for 30 days
    At an individual level it's obviously not a gamechanger in isolation, but it is one of a huge number of small reductions in the quality of life/increase in cost of life that are a direct consequence of a small majority of ignorant people being too stupid or lazy to figure out what they were voting for. I can just as easily trivialise at an individual level the scale of whatever you think you were escaping by voting for Brexit.

    I suspect that despite the widely reported issues that we all face because Brexit many (including you ) are completely blind to what is happening. And there has been absolutely nothing that I can see to balance out any of the damage done.

    Find a positive. Nobody else has.

  13. #88

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post

    I suspect that despite the widely reported issues that we all face because Brexit many (including you ) are completely blind to what is happening. .
    Oh I an see changes, i can see the cost of living has risen, i can see produce missing from the shelves ( though that is partly due to lack of drivers by all accounts ) in the grand scheme of life, The roaming charges dont really bother me, and i certainly understand moaning about it on a football message board will not alter it

    will we have worse times before they get better, it was never going to be easy sailing, we are also in a pandemic, so lets see what pans out, i will certainly be making the most of life, not fretting about roaming charges of £10 for 30 days if i holiday in europe

  14. #89

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Oh I an see changes, i can see the cost of living has risen, i can see produce missing from the shelves ( though that is partly due to lack of drivers by all accounts ) in the grand scheme of life, The roaming charges dont really bother me, and i certainly understand moaning about it on a football message board will not alter it

    will we have worse times before they get better, it was never going to be easy sailing, we are also in a pandemic, so lets see what pans out, i will certainly be making the most of life, not fretting about roaming charges of £10 for 30 days if i holiday in europe
    Why is it going to get better? What did you have in mind?

    And why are we missing drivers?

    It's not just drivers by the way. If you get a couple of pieces of info wrong in 1000 on your customs declarations it can take a day off the shelf life of 40% of a supermarket's product. And that is now, before the increase in customs obligations in Oct. In short- importing certain types of food becomes unfeasible.

    Making the most of life is always good advice and we all will. But the most of life got worse for all of us.

    You've still not suggested a positive by the way

  15. #90

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post

    And why are we missing drivers?
    I thought we ( in the uk ) were struggling with HGV drivers at the mo, its been all over the press, loads were pinged

  16. #91

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    I thought we ( in the uk ) were struggling with HGV drivers at the mo, its been all over the press, loads were pinged
    Part of the shortage is also due to covid restrictions with less new drivers taking tests. Normally about 40k tests are taken, last year it was just 15k. Average age if HGV licence holders is 55 so there's not the usual numbers of new drivers replacing those retiring.

  17. #92

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    Part of the shortage is also due to covid restrictions with less new drivers taking tests. Normally about 40k tests are taken, last year it was just 15k. Average age if HGV licence holders is 55 so there's not the usual numbers of new drivers replacing those retiring.
    makes sense

  18. #93
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    till then you will have to pay £10 for 30 days
    Can't see me staying in Europe for 30 days , I'll hook up to the free wi fi anyways.

    Some UK folk holidaying in Europe would spend a tenner within 15 minutes of their stay in a Spanish bar ,can't see it breaking them . 😃

  19. #94

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Can't see me staying in Europe for 30 days , I'll hook up to the free wi fi anyways.

    Some UK folk holidaying in Europe would spend a tenner within 15 minutes of their stay in a Spanish bar ,can't see it breaking them . 😃
    Again. What is the upside?

  20. #95

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    Part of the shortage is also due to covid restrictions with less new drivers taking tests. Normally about 40k tests are taken, last year it was just 15k. Average age if HGV licence holders is 55 so there's not the usual numbers of new drivers replacing those retiring.
    Agree- the delays for tests is crazy. Even your standard driving license testing is a massive bottleneck. Just look at what instructors with booked test spots.are charging! But there is also a longer term, seemingly permanent drag on supply chains to the UK post Brexit. And it is going to get a lot worse in Oct. Because of Brexit

  21. #96

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    Why is it going to get better? What did you have in mind?

    And why are we missing drivers?

    It's not just drivers by the way. If you get a couple of pieces of info wrong in 1000 on your customs declarations it can take a day off the shelf life of 40% of a supermarket's product. And that is now, before the increase in customs obligations in Oct. In short- importing certain types of food becomes unfeasible.

    Making the most of life is always good advice and we all will. But the most of life got worse for all of us.

    You've still not suggested a positive by the way
    Remember this?



  22. #97

    Re: roaming charges

    Funny now the line out of the people duped into voting brexit is it’s just getting worse before it gets better. When a couple of years ago all the things that are shite now were called project fear.

    It’s almost like the people who voted for it didn’t actually care about facts but just getting whipped up into a frenzy about something they didn’t give a shit about 12 months prior.

    Can’t wait to see what the next bullshit line is. Empty shelves are good because people were too fat anyway.

  23. #98

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Funny now the line out of the people duped into voting brexit is it’s just getting worse before it gets better. When a couple of years ago all the things that are shite now were called project fear.

    It’s almost like the people who voted for it didn’t actually care about facts but just getting whipped up into a frenzy about something they didn’t give a shit about 12 months prior.

    Can’t wait to see what the next bullshit line is. Empty shelves are good because people were too fat anyway.
    we've already had that one on here a few weeks ago

  24. #99

    Re: roaming charges

    Had Polish lamb for tea. Tasted a tad salty but that’s Gover lamb for you

  25. #100

    Re: roaming charges

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    we've already had that one on here a few weeks ago
    Bloody hell

    My next prediction - “Christmas was a capitalist holiday all about greed” when shelves are empty in December

    And “the stamps in my passport are worth waiting three times as long for”

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