Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
In my opinion, burgers traditionally do and should, contain meat. However, one of the reasons meat free versions are also called burgers is because it makes them easier to sell. I would have thought that any self respecting vegan or vegetarian wouldn't go anywhere near something called a burger or something that was created to look like a meat burger but they do. I don't understand why someone of this persuasion would want to make their food look like it contains meat (or even eggs in the vegan breakfasts) but they do. I think I know why beyond call it a burger - its a clever marketing ploy to sell more because some people would think it was a real beef burger, if they just went by the name and wouldn't buy it otherwise. I have great respect and absolutely no problem with people that are vegan or vegetarian (my daughter and son in law are both) but just don’t get this ‘crusade’ to make the different types of food look and taste the same. Unless of course it is because some (not all) vegan and vegetarian dishes look and taste so unappetising. At least that's what my luddite meat eating palate tells me.
Got it, thanks. If I have any more questions about it, I'll be sure to ask.