Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
When you were 21 did you one day foresee yourself starting threads on the internet (with photos) "Called worst roads in Wales" with the view of discussing roads with strangers?
I can remember years ago (more than 10) there was a post on here where people were complaining about other road users and someone made the statement that people driving in the middle lane when all the roads were empty meant he had to drive thousands of additional miles each year by going to lane 3 to overtake and then back to lane 1.
Rather than accept this as pointless hyperbole, I spent the next 30 minutes calculating that this was in-fact impossible, destroying his claim with research into road widths, trigonometry and logic. there were even diagrams.
Then in a moment of clarity just before posting it I thought what the **** am i doing? deleted the post and went back to work.