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Thread: Joe is on a bombing raid

  1. #26

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    I agree that the manner of the USA withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan was wrong, but aren't we ignoring the elephant in the room here? The Afghan army which was trained by the West at a cost of billions simply "melted away" when the chips were down. At the very least they could have delayed the progress of the Taliban rather than allow them to literally roll in unopposed, which would have given time for an orderly evacuation.

  2. #27
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I agree that the manner of the USA withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan was wrong, but aren't we ignoring the elephant in the room here? The Afghan army which was trained by the West at a cost of billions simply "melted away" when the chips were down. At the very least they could have delayed the progress of the Taliban rather than allow them to literally roll in unopposed, which would have given time for an orderly evacuation.
    Or Joe could have left boots and logistics on the ground whilst an orderly evacuation took place running up to 31st August.

  3. #28

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    What a man-made hell hole. I felt sick to my stomach to hear about the Isis bombing near the Kabul airport. One minute there were women and children queuing desperately trying to get away and the next blown to pieces into a stinking "canal" (aka open sewer). I would imagine it is one of those scenarios where the living but maimed survivors would envy the dead. What a prospect for the future of Afghanistan - ISIS vs Taliban.

  4. #29

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    I have already commented on the billions of dollars seemingly wasted on training the Afghan army. Now see this....



  5. #30

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    in simple layman terms Joe needs to resign with immediate effect

    not just an embarrassment to the USA the world

    the dark forces and controlling media have alot to answer for

  6. #31
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    in simple layman terms Joe needs to resign with immediate effect

    not just an embarrassment to the USA the world

    the dark forces and controlling media have alot to answer for
    Oh yes , it made niave people happy for a while.

    Can't wait for the replacement moment .

  7. #32
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    What now Joe?? Word is the Supreme Court are likely to reinstate the Trump-era migration policies which old Joe halted .

    He's already using the American First mantra.

    Buggers up Afghanistan.

    Is he going bomb folk next .

    He certainly has blood on his hands with USA marines killed.

  8. #33

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    So much for the much vaunted "we will hunt you down" rhetoric following the ISIS suicide bombing. The drone succeeded in killing one ISIS terrorist. Surely better to have waited just the few remaining days before the final pull out of troops to do this. I fear this will prompt ISIS to go for a real scoop like bringing down a transport plane full of American troops as it leaves Kabul airport.

  9. #34

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    There are some really scary videos of press conferences with Joe Biden, scary in the sense that he is scarcely coherent and also that his is the final say on any military action. Reminiscent of Dr. Strangelove for those old enough to remember the film.

  10. #35
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Today's latest US drone attack on ISIS (the Afghan franchise) has so far scored 9 civilian deaths (6 of them children) and a cocktail of spin and misinformation about the 'intelligence' and the attack. The US seems to have invented exploding suicide vests. In fact it seems to have invented a fair bit of the story it is pushing about the attack. War On Terror playbook never put away. Also pissed off the Taliban by carrying out the attack without telling them, on Afghan soil, after they have been in a deadly war with ISIS for 6 years.

  11. #36

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Rocket attacks on Kabul airport but thankfully were intercepted apparently. Hoping and praying that my prediction of a direct attack on a U.S. military plane does not come about.

  12. #37

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Rocket attacks on Kabul airport but thankfully were intercepted apparently. Hoping and praying that my prediction of a direct attack on a U.S. military plane does not come about.
    It did not happen, thankfully. The US have finally left Afghanistan, one day ahead of schedule. The BBC's Lyse Doucet is a brave lady - I assumed she would have left on the last US plane but she is still in Kabul. As a female journalist from the "West" she must be at risk surely.

  13. #38
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Today's latest US drone attack on ISIS (the Afghan franchise) has so far scored 9 civilian deaths (6 of them children) and a cocktail of spin and misinformation about the 'intelligence' and the attack. The US seems to have invented exploding suicide vests. In fact it seems to have invented a fair bit of the story it is pushing about the attack. War On Terror playbook never put away. Also pissed off the Taliban by carrying out the attack without telling them, on Afghan soil, after they have been in a deadly war with ISIS for 6 years.
    Just for clarification , who did perform the attack that killed and maimed so many INNOCENTS at the airport before the drone attacks ??

  14. #39
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Just for clarification , who did perform the attack that killed and maimed so many INNOCENTS at the airport before the drone attacks ??
    ISIS. Or rather, it's Afghan affiliate (franchise holder) IS-K.

    Why do you ask?

    It doesn't change the spin, lies and civilian deaths from the US drone strike. Are you saying that ISIS murdering innocents in its suicide bomb attacks justifies the US murdering innocents in its drone strikes? I can't see any other reason for you to come in with 'just for clarification'?

  15. #40
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    ISIS. Or rather, it's Afghan affiliate (franchise holder) IS-K.

    Why do you ask?

    It doesn't change the spin, lies and civilian deaths from the US drone strike. Are you saying that ISIS murdering innocents in its suicide bomb attacks justifies the US murdering innocents in its drone strikes? I can't see any other reason for you to come in with 'just for clarification'?
    No what I'm saying there all murdering bastards in their own ways , only difference they murder there own whatever ISIS variant you want to name they kidnap children ,stop woman's rights, restrict education , torture , rape , car bomb , cut heads off their own iin the name of Allah or some other nutty vision , you also have a number of non westernised countries like China ,Russia , Syria , North Korea ,Venezuela killing /imprisoning , torturing innocents ( as well you know ) yes drones are bad but USA is not killing its own FFS .

    They are indefensible killers and evil .

  16. #41
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    No what I'm saying there all murdering bastards in their own ways , only difference they murder there own whatever ISIS variant you want to name they kidnap children ,stop woman's rights, restrict education , torture , rape , car bomb , cut heads off their own iin the name of Allah or some other nutty vision , you also have a number of non westernised countries like China ,Russia , Syria , North Korea ,Venezuela killing /imprisoning , torturing innocents ( as well you know ) yes drones are bad but USA is not killing its own FFS .

    They are indefensible killers and evil .
    OK. So you were excusing the drone attack that killed 10 innocent civilians (including 6 children). It was no big deal because 'what about' ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, or any number of 'non Western' countries who are all guilty of atrocities? And somehow you think (in the biggest font size you can find) that the US is also somehow less culpable because its military doesn't (usually) kill its own innocent citizens - it kills innocent citizens of other countries?

    You are back on script!

    Just for more clarification - no one on here has anything but disgust and contempt for the IS-K bombing of Kabul airport, or any of the other atrocities carried out by murderous states and groups, especially when the victims are non-combatants and often children. But this is a thread titled 'Joe is on a bombing raid' so it is about what the USA is doing. Deflection and whataboutery not needed.

  17. #42
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    OK. So you were excusing the drone attack that killed 10 innocent civilians (including 6 children). It was no big deal because 'what about' ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, or any number of 'non Western' countries who are all guilty of atrocities? And somehow you think (in the biggest font size you can find) that the US is also somehow less culpable because its military doesn't (usually) kill its own innocent citizens - it kills innocent citizens of other countries?

    You are back on script!

    Just for more clarification - no one on here has anything but disgust and contempt for the IS-K bombing of Kabul airport, or any of the other atrocities carried out by murderous states and groups, especially when the victims are non-combatants and often children. But this is a thread titled 'Joe is on a bombing raid' so it is about what the USA is doing. Deflection and whataboutery not needed.
    Your conveniently missing the point the drones strikes are evil the post was to demonstrate that and muster debate on nice old Joe after the evil old Trump era ( which you now know).

    Your one eyed hatred off the USA ,Israel, or Tories is one sided look at attricoties delivered to innocents people all around the world.

    Nice and simply for you drone strikes are evil.

    Terrorism is evil .

    You seem to only concentrate on a single narrow view of the attricoties that are deployed, over our globe ie USA HOWEVER everyday children, women different religions, gay, protesters within their own country’s face appalling attricoties and quality of life ( ill say that again in thier own country ) yes just for being different. .

    The USA, UK or Israel are not killing thier own .

  18. #43
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Doubling down? OK

  19. #44
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Broken biscuits

  20. #45

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    following on from bakers hitlers parody post on the football site

    Hitler phones ice cream sleepy joe again . don't bother clicking the link lardy


  21. #46
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    following on from bakers hitlers parody post on the football site

    Hitler phones ice cream sleepy joe again . don't bother clicking the link lardy

    Apparently Hitler has Covid hence the reason Joe didn't take the call worried he'd catch the virus, nice one Joe 👍

  22. #47

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    looks like the installed ones ratings has plummeted faster than the titanic. anyone with a brain cell could see what was going to happen !


    those dominion machines have alot to answer for

  23. #48
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    looks like the installed ones ratings has plummeted faster than the titanic. anyone with a brain cell could see what was going to happen !


    those dominion machines have alot to answer for
    #Lets go Brandon

  24. #49
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    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Joe is going to defend Taiwan , hang on he's been corrected???

  25. #50

    Re: Joe is on a bombing raid

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    #Lets go Brandon
    wasn't sure where all this came from but this fella enlightened me


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