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Thread: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

  1. #51

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Mate you’re defending stopping them in the middle of the sea and turning them round don’t try and get on your high horse now.

    People can think the minuscule number of migrants are our biggest issue all they want, they’d be pretty wide of the mark with a collapsing health service, financial institutions leaving the country and an education system that isn’t fit for purpose.

  2. #52

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

  3. #53

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    We’ve been discussing the obvious reasons people cross the channel for years, the people who still don’t understand it don’t want to understand it.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Her solution .......is to break international maritime law

    No she can under law change it its our waters every country has different /unique maritime laws in its own waters rules Greece has done this to Turkey .

    There is a longer story line hear ,France wanted more money form us , they go it , we asked to set up a joint process on French land France said no , France now says its because of bugger boats instead of small dingy that has caused the increase in numbers , surely its easier to spot large boats .

    I think one need to take away the hatred of a Tory or Priti Patel and see under the real issues , is France doing a bit of feet dragging or looking for some other concession because of Brexit , this is called politics and lets be fair the French are never going to want to fix this as it unloads some burden , it seems Patel is constantly in negotiations with French counterparts , this discussions fails and we get his type of hard ball , this is the tactics most countries / organisations use including unions to up the anti of negotiations and make a headline ??

    My view is asylum seeking should be done at the point of fleeing a country at the first border reached .

  5. #55

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    What's your solution? Or do you just ignore it and insult anyone with a different view or who tries to address and acknowledge issues?

    What would you do?

    And yes, this is a part of the global human trafficking trade. It absolutely is.

    And no, not everyone arriving in boats is fleeing war.

    And no, they aren't all good, honourable people. Some are. Some aren't. Most destroy ID so we have no idea.

    There is a process and this isnt it.

    We all know, just some are willing to address it, and some are happy with fingers in ears insulting people and shouting racist.
    Seems to me that if that boat arrived in shore with hundred or so id-less people, you’d be inclined to send them all back just in case there are a few bad eggs amongst them.

    My solution would be to let the bad eggs in with good ones…..deal with it afterwards. Bad people are a part of life. This isn’t disneyland.

  6. #56

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    It's highly unlikely that how the media are reporting this story is an accurate state of affairs.

    The point is, this is an issue that needs solving. It's a problem, it serves no one. Doing nothing, or retaining the status quo is not an option.
    So now you are defending Patel ?

    Are you giving her one ?

  7. #57

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    No she can under law change it its our waters every country has different /unique maritime laws in its own waters rules Greece has done this to Turkey .

    There is a longer story line hear ,France wanted more money form us , they go it , we asked to set up a joint process on French land France said no , France now says its because of bugger boats instead of small dingy that has caused the increase in numbers , surely its easier to spot large boats .

    I think one need to take away the hatred of a Tory or Priti Patel and see under the real issues , is France doing a bit of feet dragging or looking for some other concession because of Brexit , this is called politics and lets be fair the French are never going to want to fix this as it unloads some burden , it seems Patel is constantly in negotiations with French counterparts , this discussions fails and we get his type of hard ball , this is the tactics most countries / organisations use including unions to up the anti of negotiations and make a headline ??

    My view is asylum seeking should be done at the point of fleeing a country at the first border reached .
    That's not how maritime law works.

  8. #58

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    No she can under law change it its our waters every country has different /unique maritime laws in its own waters rules Greece has done this to Turkey .

    There is a longer story line hear ,France wanted more money form us , they go it , we asked to set up a joint process on French land France said no , France now says its because of bugger boats instead of small dingy that has caused the increase in numbers , surely its easier to spot large boats .

    I think one need to take away the hatred of a Tory or Priti Patel and see under the real issues , is France doing a bit of feet dragging or looking for some other concession because of Brexit , this is called politics and lets be fair the French are never going to want to fix this as it unloads some burden , it seems Patel is constantly in negotiations with French counterparts , this discussions fails and we get his type of hard ball , this is the tactics most countries / organisations use including unions to up the anti of negotiations and make a headline ??

    My view is asylum seeking should be done at the point of fleeing a country at the first border reached .
    You are trying your best to be fair

  9. #59

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    My view is asylum seeking should be done at the point of fleeing a country at the first border reached .
    I wonder what the issues with this could be?

    Let’s ask the people from Yemen or the people from Georgia and Armenia.

  10. #60

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Let's get down to it

    People who shout close the borders , put the army on standby at Dover......actually want this done


    This is the sort of headline they love

  11. #61

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Whereas the human traffickers friend here sounds like a right nice chap.
    Refusing these people in the hope that it'll discourage the human trafficking problem is a little disingenuous in my opinion. It's a bit like saying that if we withdraw giving clean needle's to drug users, it will stop them taking drugs.

  12. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    You are trying your best to be fair
    I don't like the woman its not about doing my best , there is always tow sides to a story ,if you believe its just us why doesn't France come up with an agreeable solution .

    It is costing many UK millions to support the French on their shores is it delivered who knows you and I don't ?

  13. #63

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    It amazes me that so many people fall for this type of thing.


  14. #64

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Let's get down to it

    People who shout close the borders , put the army on standby at Dover......actually want this done


    This is the sort of headline they love
    Here's another one. Some, not all, in fact, a small portion, want to come to the UK because that's their ****ing preference. They may have family, friends etc already in the UK. As much as it seems to pain some people, being part of the lowest economical social class doesn't mean that you give up on aspiration and ambition. Surely that's the Tory mantra, like Tebbitt said, ' Get on yer bike' I would've thought that anyone who travels through 8 countries and sleeps under a piece of plastic for two years, leaving their families and friends behind, should have the red carpet rolled out for them. That's commitment in my eyes, just what we want!

  15. #65

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Here's another one. Some, not all, in fact, a small portion, want to come to the UK because that's their ****ing preference. They may have family, friends etc already in the UK. As much as it seems to pain some people, being part of the lowest economical social class doesn't mean that you give up on aspiration and ambition. Surely that's the Tory mantra, like Tebbitt said, ' Get on yer bike' I would've thought that anyone who travels through 8 countries and sleeps under a piece of plastic for two years, leaving their families and friends behind, should have the red carpet rolled out for them. That's commitment in my eyes, just what we want!
    It's what made Britain Great !

  16. #66

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    It’s a PR exercise, she’s got no power to turn them back in International waters. The French will not stop them leaving their waters and once they're over the dotted line they’re the UKs responsibility and since we left the EU we can no longer deport them
    Can we nudge them towards Ireland?

  17. #67

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    David Schneider is appalling on twitter. He purely posts inflammatory things.

  18. #68

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Refusing these people in the hope that it'll discourage the human trafficking problem is a little disingenuous in my opinion. It's a bit like saying that if we withdraw giving clean needle's to drug users, it will stop them taking drugs.
    Sorry, but if you make crossing the channel less effective then it absolutely stops the criminal gangs charging people £3,000 to do so.

    It doesnt solve the entire problems, but sometimes tougher measures are necessary.

  19. #69

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    David Schneider is appalling on twitter. He purely posts inflammatory things.
    He's right though

  20. #70

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by Divine Wright View Post
    Seems to me that if that boat arrived in shore with hundred or so id-less people, you’d be inclined to send them all back just in case there are a few bad eggs amongst them.

    My solution would be to let the bad eggs in with good ones…..deal with it afterwards. Bad people are a part of life. This isn’t disneyland.
    Bad people are a part of life?

    **** that. The immigration and asylum system is about helping those who can benefit the country and those fleeing persecution.

    It's not about allowing criminals to exploit it.

  21. #71

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    He's right though
    He's not right. He never is. Thats a hypothetical scenario designed to enrage the knee-jerkers on twitter.

    He only ever looks at things from a far-left angle too. So he ignores counter arguments and provides no context.

    If you only give one side of a story, it's not accurate.

    Bloke is worth ignoring.

  22. #72

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    He's not right. He never is. Thats a hypothetical scenario designed to enrage the knee-jerkers on twitter.

    He only ever looks at things from a far-left angle too. So he ignores counter arguments and provides no context.

    If you only give one side of a story, it's not accurate.

    Bloke is worth ignoring.
    What's the opposite of snowflake and virtue signallers you right wint types are ?

  23. #73

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    David Schneider is appalling on twitter. He purely posts inflammatory things.
    Do you have an example?

  24. #74

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    What's the opposite of snowflake and virtue signallers you right wint types are ?

  25. #75

    Re: Priti Patel issues orders to turn them boats around

    What he means is David Schneider posts things that make him feel uncomfortable because it holds a mirror up to how much of a selfish **** James is.

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