Quote Originally Posted by cityhammer View Post
I think you'll actually find that all religions are man made to keep the lower classes in check and make them work harder on earth in the hope of a better afterlife. As Marx said, Religion is the opiate of the people. Religion is the drug that is used to control the masses.

I cant decide if you are being serious or ironic, but any intelligent person who believes in religion, is by definition, not that intelligent.
On this point, I know many current professors who trust God on a daily basis and for their eternal soul. In fact the man who invented MRI which itself has saved countless lives, believes in the God of the Bible and trusts in Christ.

However, while most of us don't take a great deal of interest in top scientists, here's someone we've all heard of:-

“Put God first in everything you do … Everything that I have is by the grace of God, understand that. It’s a gift … I didn’t always stick with Him, but He stuck with me.” – Denzel Washington