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Thread: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

  1. #51

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Sorry its not a safe thing to do , and it will at some point result in death and again we are one of the better countries pushing the green agenda and have been for quite some time .

    I'd love to see peoples reactions if they laid down on the M4 whilst families , workers ,emergencies are trying to do their best ,Im sure the same demonstrators will rock up at another cause anytime soon.
    Of course, it's not a safe thing to do. Driving a car is not safe. There were 115,333 road deaths in 2020 (a reduction of 15% I think from 2109) so you've got to be really careful with your arguments when citing what's safe and what isn't. Does everyone criticising these protests drive rigidly within the speed limit and have constant regard as to other people's safety when driving a car? You can twist all these issues to suit a way of thinking but the reality is that 'what-ifs' are pointless. What-if stopping the traffic reduced the number of deaths on the M25 yesterday. See, pointless argument but plausible. What if having lockdowns and not driving cars ever again saved 115,333 people. See, pointless argument but plausible.

  2. #52

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Let's be honest, nothing will be done about climate change until the older generations die off, many of them are in complete denial when it comes to anything scientists recommend.

    I don't know if it's caused by a lifetime of murdoch media, lead paint or being the most economically privileged generation in the history of the planet but the boomers will be remembered as the most selfish generation ever.

    Just get out of the way.
    What a load of borderline fascist nonsense.

  3. #53

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    What a load of borderline fascist nonsense.
    How old are you out of interest JamesWales?

  4. #54

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    With respect, I think your reply is a cop-out to everything I wrote and not how radical change has ever taken place. I think you've swallowed the party line. The Met has used extremely heavy-handed tactics on peaceful protesters in London for years. You or any government don't get to say what 'the right way to protest' is. You don't sound like you've ever been on the receiving end of prejudice or discrimination because if you had you wouldn't be so compliant and passive.
    No, you are right. The government and police should do everything you want and to hell with anyone elses rights.

    And you're also right, anyone who disagrees with you, quite obviously, has never suffered prejudice or discrimination.

    And I'm not compliant or passive about much, believe me. I'm just a liberal who doesnt think the world should bow down to the demands of a small bunch of radicals

  5. #55

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    What a load of borderline fascist nonsense.
    Typical boomer response, doesn't actually explain why it's nonsense, just says it's fascist and moves on.

  6. #56

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Typical boomer response, doesn't actually explain why it's nonsense, just says it's fascist and moves on.
    It was nonsense because you made out that the 'boomer generation' (which precedes my parents out of interest) were somehow not environmentally friendly, when in practice they re-used products, were thriftier, ate more sustainably and holidayed more sustainably than future generations

    It was borderline fascist, because, whilst you are presumably being light-hearted, you are willing the generation to die off and 'get out of the way'

    The second level of nonsense kicks in when you assume that this means that something serious will happen about climate change, when in practice huge progress is happening now.

    You insulting everyone who is old won't help climate change, it will just make people think you're a bit of a knob

  7. #57

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    No, you are right. The government and police should do everything you want and to hell with anyone elses rights.

    And you're also right, anyone who disagrees with you, quite obviously, has never suffered prejudice or discrimination.

    And I'm not compliant or passive about much, believe me. I'm just a liberal who doesnt think the world should bow down to the demands of a small bunch of radicals
    That's weak and you've gone back to 'angry-from-Tunbridge-Wells-mode' but we come full circle....your grievances are exactly the same ones used against Mandela, King and Ghandi. It's as if you're really trying not to admit you could be wrong.

  8. #58

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    That's weak and you've gone back to 'angry-from-Tunbridge-Wells-mode' but we come full circle....your grievances are exactly the same ones used against Mandela, King and Ghandi. It's as if you're really trying not to admit you could be wrong.

    There you go again, comparing the protesters on the M25 blocking people going about their business to Nelson Mandela imprisoned by a racist state apparatus.

  9. #59

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post

    There you go again, comparing the protesters on the M25 blocking people going about their business to Nelson Mandela imprisoned by a racist state apparatus.
    That's exactly what I'm not doing though but brace yourself because this next bit's gonna hurt. I'm comparing you with the people who demonised Nelson Mandela et al for being radical and protesting in the first place. Unless, of course, he did it the right way, then you'd be all smug. You don't see it yet. But you will. You're on the wrong side of history. So your juvenile head-slapping grinning emojis is all you have.

  10. #60

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    That's exactly what I'm not doing though but brace yourself because this next bit's gonna hurt. I'm comparing you with the people who demonised Nelson Mandela et al for being radical and protesting in the first place. Unless, of course, he did it the right way, then you'd be all smug. You don't see it yet. But you will. You're on the wrong side of history. So your juvenile head-slapping grinning emojis is all you have.
    You are quite something.

    Earlier on, you yourself wrote:

    "FWIW I think these kinds of protests are doing more harm than good"

    Personally, I think addressing climate change is critical and within that, properly insulating homes is a big win.

    However, this protest won't help, as you acknowledged yourself an hour or so ago. But now, because I object to people doing unreasonable and dangerous protests I am somehow in support of the South African apartheid government? wtf like!

    Your logic is whack, but it doesn't seem like reason is your thing.

    Go and ruin someone day on the M4 if you feel strongly about it. Telling me I want to imprison Nelson Mandela isn't helping until such a time that we can harness hot air generated from messageboards.

  11. #61

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    You are quite something.

    Earlier on, you yourself wrote:

    "FWIW I think these kinds of protests are doing more harm than good"

    I think addressing climate change is critical and within that, properly insulating homes is a big win.

    However, this won't help, as you acknowledged yourself an hour or so ago.

    But now, because I object to people doing unreasonable protests I am somehow in support of the South African apartheid government?

    Your logic is whack, but it doesn't seem like reason is your thing.
    Irony alert.

  12. #62

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    What a load of borderline fascist nonsense.
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    It was nonsense because you made out that the 'boomer generation' (which precedes my parents out of interest) were somehow not environmentally friendly, when in practice they re-used products, were thriftier, ate more sustainably and holidayed more sustainably than future generations

    It was borderline fascist, because, whilst you are presumably being light-hearted, you are willing the generation to die off and 'get out of the way'

    The second level of nonsense kicks in when you assume that this means that something serious will happen about climate change, when in practice huge progress is happening now.

    You insulting everyone who is old won't help climate change, it will just make people think you're a bit of a knob
    You only have to go to Facebook or dailymail comments sections or look at voting patterns to say older generations being more environmentally conscious is complete horseshit. I mean how many believe climate change is actually man made? For more evidence on how you're wrong see https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tan...other-factors/

    Huge progress isn't happening now, every year emissions go up, in practically every country in the world boomers are in charge.

    I mean, the dialogue with boomers around climate change is pointless now, that generation has had its chance and has let down all generations that come after it. Nevermind the economic shitshow the boomers have handed my generation.

  13. #63

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    You only have to go to Facebook or dailymail comments sections or look at voting patterns to say older generations being more environmentally conscious is complete horseshit. I mean how many believe climate change is actually man made? For more evidence on how you're wrong see https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tan...other-factors/

    Huge progress isn't happening now, every year emissions go up, in practically every country in the world boomers are in charge.

    I mean, the dialogue with boomers around climate change is pointless now, that generation has had its chance and has let down all generations that come after it. Nevermind the economic shitshow the boomers have handed my generation.
    Emissions in the UK are falling, and at a faster rate than most countries. Thats my point, the protests are not targeting the key culprits here. Thats why it wont work. It will infuriate people and make no difference.

    The Daily Mail online has a readership clearly unlike what you present

    Either way, you go around willing people to die, and you aren't gonna win them round. You'll just lose and get angrier and angrier with people without realising your line or arguing makes you your own worst enemy.

  14. #64

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    Irony alert.
    There is nothing ironic about opposing dangerous illegal protests because it disrupts peoples lives and makes their important cause less likely to succeed.

    I just disagree with you. It's as simple as that. There's nothing ironic about it, and certainly you cannot garner from me thinking you are wrong, that somehow I support Nelson Mandela being imprisoned which is a frankly bizarre accusation you have repeated a couple of times.

  15. #65

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    How old are you out of interest JamesWales?
    Sorry, this might have got lost in the thread, just wondering?

  16. #66

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Sorry, this might have got lost in the thread, just wondering?
    Ooh guessing game.

    I think 40-43.

  17. #67

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Ooh guessing game.

    I think 40-43.
    I'd hope not, anyone in their 40's who says things like 'your logic is whack" needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

  18. #68

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I'd hope not, anyone in their 40's who says things like 'your logic is whack" needs to take a long hard look at themselves.
    If i was a footballer, I would have retired a year or two ago. Probably with a slightly extended career in MLS.

    I'm guessing 32 for you.

  19. #69
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Here something the m25 could get their teeth into


    There is 250 years of coal left to mine in Germany , need some hard nose politician to close them and be hated for it ????????

  20. #70

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    I'd hope not, anyone in their 40's who says things like 'your logic is whack" needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

  21. #71

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    If i was a footballer, I would have retired a year or two ago. Probably with a slightly extended career in MLS.

    I'm guessing 32 for you.
    Your guessing is whack mate

  22. #72
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Result .

    Injunction issued against the M25 loops

  23. #73

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Drivers should be free to give them a good kicking. They won't do it again, the drivers will feel a tonne better and police time won't be wasted. It's a win win in my books.

  24. #74

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    Quote Originally Posted by Bald Barry Bastad View Post
    Drivers should be free to give them a good kicking. They won't do it again, the drivers will feel a tonne better and police time won't be wasted. It's a win win in my books.
    Well said.

  25. #75
    First Team
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    Apr 2016
    Phoenix, AZ

    Re: M25 Blocked in Both Directions

    I presume a few on this thread think Emily Davison isn't a hero too. She was lambasted at the time.

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