Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
The fact that he is a Councillor has nothing to do with his views on football. He is just an ordinary football fan and these are his personal views. Some will agree with him and others wont. However to WOL this is like manna from heaven. A chance to print a sensationalised and critical article about the club, giving the impression that all the fans are against the club and that he must have his ‘finger on the pulse’ because he is a Councillor. In their eyes the fact that he is a Councillor gives the article legitimacy and importance but it doesn't - it is irrelevant what he does. Do you think that WOL would have gone anywhere near this type of full article if he had just been say, a labourer or a bus driver - no chance. It serves their agenda nicely.
Can I ask are there are any circumstances where you think criticism of the club is justified?