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Thread: Energy companies going bust

  1. #1

    Energy companies going bust

    Some good advice if you are with one of the smaller companies and they have not already gone bust.


  2. #2

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    Some good advice if you are with one of the smaller companies and they have not already gone bust.

    Annoyingly, Utility Point failed to transfer me out several weeks ago, as I requested. I could have gone to EDF and received a £50 bonus for doing so (as a friend works there and would receive the same amount regarding my transfer). Instead, I am now being transferred to EDF automatically as they are the relevant supplier of last resport in this case.

  3. #3

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    mine have gone bust, I guess I'll just take a meter reading and wait for a huge bill to hit the doormat

  4. #4

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Could it be worth upping your readings, so it'll be charged at the lower previous price? Just a thought, can't say I've thought it through.

  5. #5

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Annoyingly, Utility Point failed to transfer me out several weeks ago, as I requested. I could have gone to EDF and received a £50 bonus for doing so (as a friend works there and would receive the same amount regarding my transfer). Instead, I am now being transferred to EDF automatically as they are the relevant supplier of last resport in this case.
    I left igloo for Shell energy. Its
    Switch went through, however Igloo owe me 200 quid and are on the verge of going bust

  6. #6

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    we've nothing to worry about as the Welsh Nationalists have informed us recently that we're the 5th largest exporter of energy in the world.

  7. #7

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    I'm with Avro but was in credit when they went bust.Just waiting to find out how much I'll have to pay-be like a second mortgage I suppose.

  8. #8

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    I left igloo for Shell energy. Its
    Switch went through, however Igloo owe me 200 quid and are on the verge of going bust
    your credit is protected and will transfer to whoever you take a new contract out with

  9. #9

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
    we've nothing to worry about as the Welsh Nationalists have informed us recently that we're the 5th largest exporter of energy in the world.
    Latest energy crisis is capitalism at its finest.

  10. #10

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by sneggyblubird View Post
    I'm with Avro but was in credit when they went bust.Just waiting to find out how much I'll have to pay-be like a second mortgage I suppose.
    Same here. I'm more concerned about who I am transferred to and what the tariff will be. The credit should be safe though. However, a few years ago my supplier went bust, I was transferred to Together Energy (as was my credit), but their tariff was too high so I switched to Avro but had to take Together Energy to the equivalent of the small claims court in Scotland to get me credit back.

  11. #11

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    I wonder if anyone will look at the Severn barrage again, now the price on the market has shot up, also in terms of energy security it makes a lot of sense to me

  12. #12

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    My fixed rate with Octopus finishes next week. The fixed rate available to me is about 40% more expensive so I'm just going to stay on the standard rate and be subject to the cap.

  13. #13

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    So the crux of all this is gas prices have gone up, what does this really mean though? Aren’t we all relying on the Russians for gas? So have they just upped the price?

  14. #14

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    I predict that when the wholesale price goes down at some point, the savings will not be passed on to the customers.

  15. #15

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    I predict that when the wholesale price goes down at some point, the savings will not be passed on to the customers.
    The suppliers will be recovering the losses that they are incurring at the moment.

  16. #16

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Nationalise it all

    Energy , water , trains

    You dangle money in front of people and they will run off a cliff like a lemming

  17. #17

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardM View Post
    The suppliers will be recovering the losses that they are incurring at the moment.
    How about the government covering these losses

    It's basically a privatised monopoly anyway after privatisation

  18. #18

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    How about the government covering these losses

    It's basically a privatised monopoly anyway after privatisation
    I think your previous post, "nationalise it all" is a better solution.

  19. #19

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardM View Post
    I think your previous post, "nationalise it all" is a better solution.
    It will never happen

    We have been sold a dud that the market always levels off

  20. #20

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    It’s the classic capitalist way isn’t it? They run the old system down until it’s almost unworkable, we then accept anything just to make it function properly again which is usually a private firm. Just look at the nhs

  21. #21

  22. #22

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardM View Post
    I think your previous post, "nationalise it all" is a better solution.
    Wages will go down. Most lads won't work for what's offered and will find something else.

  23. #23

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
    we've nothing to worry about as the Welsh Nationalists have informed us recently that we're the 5th largest exporter of energy in the world.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    The consumer price energy cap has effectively done for a number of these smaller companies as they couldn't cope with world markets fluctuating , big players like Russia restrictions are effecting market prices its interesting to note that there is very little profit in this market some say as little as 5% which leaves very little wriggle room for smaller companies.

    We need to embrace nuclear power as the solution and become independent it can be produced without big Co2 impacts

  25. #25

    Re: Energy companies going bust

    There was a tweet by the Welsh Nats making such a claim. Its nonsense of course.

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