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Thread: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

  1. #1

    Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Question Time

    Says he ......really understands .....those struggling on universal credit regarding the 20 pound cap

    Course he does

    Bet he's driving vans full of tins of beans and corned beef to the local food bank every Sunday morning

  2. #2

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Question Time

    Says he ......really understands .....those struggling on universal credit regarding the 20 pound cap

    Course he does

    Bet he's driving vans full of tins of beans and corned beef to the local food bank every Sunday morning
    Enough to win the vote in Hartlepool. Brexit done and food banks in place.

    We are feckin doomed.

  3. #3

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Enough to win the vote in Hartlepool. Brexit done and food banks in place.

    We are feckin doomed.
    Those poor bastards are going to stuffed

  4. #4

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    When I see that smarmy tosser on BBC Breakfast with his Union Jack flag behind him together with his red briefcase open with files poking out, but it hasn't moved for the last year, it just proves how full of shite this lot are.

  5. #5

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Shot Hamish. View Post
    When I see that smarmy tosser on BBC Breakfast with his Union Jack flag behind him together with his red briefcase open with files poking out, but it hasn't moved for the last year, it just proves how full of shite this lot are.
    Got to say I don't like him, but not because he leaves his briefcase open and has a flag in the background..

  6. #6

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Question Time

    Says he ......really understands .....those struggling on universal credit regarding the 20 pound cap

    Course he does

    Bet he's driving vans full of tins of beans and corned beef to the local food bank every Sunday morning
    What do you want him to say? He says he understands.
    What do you want him to do? The welfare bill in the UK has never been more generous, especially considering furlough

    Genuinely now, to distinguish this from just being a hate-filled post, what do you want?

  7. #7

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    What do you want him to say? He says he understands.
    What do you want him to do? The welfare bill in the UK has never been more generous, especially considering furlough

    Genuinely now, to distinguish this from just being a hate-filled post, what do you want?
    What do you want a government to do, I’ll tell you what! Look after the most vulnerable in society not tax them to the hilt whilst food prices, gas and every other bill is going up. Have a look around you, the country is absolutely fecked.

  8. #8

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    What do you want him to say? He says he understands.
    What do you want him to do? The welfare bill in the UK has never been more generous, especially considering furlough

    Genuinely now, to distinguish this from just being a hate-filled post, what do you want?
    I don't want a lying twat like Grant Schapps anywhere near a position of power in the government of the country I live in.


    Disclaimer: I've had a few!

  9. #9

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    What do you want a government to do, I’ll tell you what! Look after the most vulnerable in society not tax them to the hilt whilst food prices, gas and every other bill is going up. Have a look around you, the country is absolutely fecked.
    Apart perhaps from Attlee's 1945 government, which party of either persuasion has ever looked after the most vulnerable satisfactorily? Taxing the to the hilt is slightly over the top.

    I agree that the should do something to lessen the effect of removing the £20 temporary increase in Universal Credit either by making it permanent or adjusting it in some way ( the taper possibly)

  10. #10

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    What do you want him to say? He says he understands.
    What do you want him to do? The welfare bill in the UK has never been more generous, especially considering furlough

    Genuinely now, to distinguish this from just being a hate-filled post, what do you want?
    Look at poverty rates since the tories have come to power, look at wages compared to other countries over the past 10 years, look at housing,energy and food costs.

    We want a government that actually helps the average person and not just their billionaire mates. We want them to actually act and not just say they care (they obviously don't give a shit).

    I'd love to see you try and explain how the welfare bill has never been more generous. The whole country is ****ed.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits


    In 2020/21 the UK government is expected to spend approximately 212 billion British pounds on benefits, an increase of over 20 million pounds when compared with the previous .

    Plus 400 billion Covid cost .

  12. #12

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Brexit Brexit Brexit...................
    One food bank is one too many
    Fuel prices going through the roof
    No trade deals
    NHS on its knees £350 million a week
    Lack of petrol, food, basically anything imported being blamed on the lack of lorry drivers is laughable
    Country is on its knees but hang on let's take that £20 a week off everyone that maybe needs it
    Feck um should be their new campaign slogan ................
    Yet some will think they are talking about someone else .....
    Until it starts and will start affecting them

  13. #13

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by Its been emotional View Post
    Brexit Brexit Brexit...................
    One food bank is one too many
    Fuel prices going through the roof
    No trade deals
    NHS on its knees £350 million a week
    Lack of petrol, food, basically anything imported being blamed on the lack of lorry drivers is laughable
    Country is on its knees but hang on let's take that £20 a week off everyone that maybe needs it
    Feck um should be their new campaign slogan ................
    Yet some will think they are talking about someone else .....
    Until it starts and will start affecting them
    Food Banks are nothing to do with Brexit
    Fuel prices aren't Brexit
    There have been Trade deals but to be fair they have mainly been continuations of the ones other countries had with the EU. And their value hasn't to date been massive.
    NHS has had more money with more to come. It is never enough, however.
    What lack of petrol. Are you saying that Brexit has affected the supply of petrol coming in to the country?
    I agree that decreasing Universal Credit by £20would be a mistake

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by Its been emotional View Post
    Brexit Brexit Brexit...................
    One food bank is one too many
    Fuel prices going through the roof
    No trade deals
    NHS on its knees £350 million a week
    Lack of petrol, food, basically anything imported being blamed on the lack of lorry drivers is laughable
    Country is on its knees but hang on let's take that £20 a week off everyone that maybe needs it
    Feck um should be their new campaign slogan ................
    Yet some will think they are talking about someone else .....
    Until it starts and will start affecting them
    You left out the effect Brexit has had on the Bluebirds form .

  15. #15

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Food Banks are nothing to do with Brexit
    Fuel prices aren't Brexit
    There have been Trade deals but to be fair they have mainly been continuations of the ones other countries had with the EU. And their value hasn't to date been massive.
    NHS has had more money with more to come. It is never enough, however.
    What lack of petrol. Are you saying that Brexit has affected the supply of petrol coming in to the country?
    I agree that decreasing Universal Credit by £20would be a mistake
    I would have thought that given your struggles you wouldn't continue to vote for these arseholes

    But you do

    I find it staggering

    You are like a turkey voting for Xmas

  16. #16

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    What do you want him to say? He says he understands.
    What do you want him to do? The welfare bill in the UK has never been more generous, especially considering furlough
    Genuinely now, to distinguish this from just being a hate-filled post, what do you want?
    How can a privileged public school boy understand ?

    You don't seriously believe he does do you ?

    The welfare bill is high because there are increasing numbers of people reliant on it !

    The Tories are not paying out benefits because they are nice people they are doing it because if they don't people will starve to death . Cutting 20 quid from universal credit is disgusting

    Do you think it's OK?

    Do you rely on any benefits ?

    If you did would you miss 80 quid a month ?

    I want the tossers to look after the vulnerable , that's what civilised society does .

    But this lot cut 20 quid off universal credit

    It clearly doesn't affect you though so carry on tory boy

  17. #17

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I would have thought that given your struggles you wouldn't continue to vote for these arseholes

    But you do

    I find it staggering

    You are like a turkey voting for Xmas

    Yes I did have problems with The Governments stupid PIP assessment system.

    But as I have said many times which party brought the assessments in?

    And which party first brought in the idea of assessing everyone rather than a random sample when they brought ESA in?


    I had to vote against Corbyn, but if there was an election now I would probably abstain

    Both Starmer and Johnston need to do more to get my vote.

    Johnston to stop some of the silly mistakes like the free school meal debacle and the returning of Universal Credit to its pre pandemic level.

    Starmer because I am still not sure what his policies will be. I didn't want Corbyn, but not sure I want Blair mark 2 either

  18. #18

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Yes I did have problems with The Governments stupid PIP assessment system.

    But as I have said many times which party brought the assessments in?

    And which party first brought in the idea of assessing everyone rather than a random sample when they brought ESA in?


    I had to vote against Corbyn, but if there was an election now I would probably abstain

    Both Starmer and Johnston need to do more to get my vote.

    Johnston to stop some of the silly mistakes like the free school meal debacle and the returning of Universal Credit to its pre pandemic level.

    Starmer because I am still not sure what his policies will be. I didn't want Corbyn, but not sure I want Blair mark 2 either

    You didn't like corbyn so you voted for Boris, in other words you voted tory as you always have

    Yet you are a victim of PIP.......Tories.......and a victim of the social care system ......guess who privatised that ? Your lot

    Yet you still vote for them

    You are indeed a turkey voting for Christmas

    Good luck

  19. #19

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post

    You didn't like corbyn so you voted for Boris, in other words you voted tory as you always have

    Yet you are a victim of PIP.......Tories.......and a victim of the social care system ......guess who privatised that ? Your lot

    Yet you still vote for them

    You are indeed a turkey voting for Christmas

    Good luck
    I haven't always voted tory.

    You,sir are a purveyor of untruths

    And funny how you made no response when I pointed out that It was Labour who first brought in the assessment system used for PIP when they used it on a random basis for PIP then widened it to be used for everyone under ESA.

    I had to renew our DLA back in 2007 when Labour had been in power for 10 years and believe me there were many stories of those who had suffered with poorly conducted DLA random reviews.

    Yet they still went ahead and made the assessment system mandatory for ESA which opened the door for the tories to do the same when they changed DLA to PIP.

    I have raised this before in posts but you never seem to reply.

    But of course Labour are so wonderful are they Sludge.

    And why is it unbelievable that I voted Tory to stop Corbyn. Many voters who had never voted Tory did the same because they also wanted to stop him.

    Our political system leaves us little choice.

    Labour showed the wind. They reaped the whirlwind

  20. #20

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Life expectancy was going down under the Conservatives pre Covid. That should be enough for anyone to vote for someone else because it tells you all you need to know about the inequalities of life in this country in the twenty first century under their power.

  21. #21

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Life expectancy was going down under the Conservatives pre Covid. That should be enough for anyone to vote for someone else because it tells you all you need to know about the inequalities of life in this country in the twenty first century under their power.
    Where did you get these figures from Bob?

    I have found a Guardian article from 2019 which mentions iti


    but I have also found a Kings Fund article which is at first glance a bit different although there is a mass of data in there which would take a lot of time to go through.

    Obviously you are blaming austerity and I am sure that is a factor, although the Kings Fund article suggests it is far more complex than that.

    And before you jump to one of your erroneous assumptions which you have been so fond of doing of late no I am not saying that austerity has nothing to do with it and that the Conservative government has nothing to do with it that is not what I am saying

    Juts that your short paragraph is really a bit too simplistic. The subject is far too complex than just a couple of sound bites

  22. #22

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    I missed out the Kings Fund article on my post above


    I also realise that my last but one paragraph is clumsily phrased and repetitive I meant to change it before posting, but I was too late to edit it. I think the sense of what I meant is there though.

  23. #23

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Where did you get these figures from Bob?

    I have found a Guardian article from 2019 which mentions iti


    but I have also found a Kings Fund article which is at first glance a bit different although there is a mass of data in there which would take a lot of time to go through.

    Obviously you are blaming austerity and I am sure that is a factor, although the Kings Fund article suggests it is far more complex than that.

    And before you jump to one of your erroneous assumptions which you have been so fond of doing of late no I am not saying that austerity has nothing to do with it and that the Conservative government has nothing to do with it that is not what I am saying

    Juts that your short paragraph is really a bit too simplistic. The subject is far too complex than just a couple of sound bites
    Indeed especially when you look at things like weather impacts , consumption of alcohol and drugs, obesity ( whe are one of the best at these poor health habits ) .

    The Tories are not in charge In Scotland and Glasgow has some horrendous life expectancy figures ( their winters are tough for the elderly as well, again not a Tory issue)

  25. #25

    Re: Grant Schapps , Conservative , On Benefits

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Indeed especially when you look at things like weather impacts , consumption of alcohol and drugs, obesity ( whe are one of the best at these poor health habits ) .

    The Tories are not in charge In Scotland and Glasgow has some horrendous life expectancy figures ( their winters are tough for the elderly as well, again not a Tory issue)
    Talk about desperate. Are you seriously suggesting that “weather impacts”, consumption of alcohol and drugs and obesity only started happening after the Tories won in 2010? Was Scotland a picture of perfect health before 2010?

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