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Thread: Culture wars.

  1. #1

    Culture wars.

    How can people believe this bollox when the "other lot" have not been in office for eleven years. That's eleven years during which the gap between richest and poorest has widened, food bank use has rocketed, more people are living within the official definition of poverty and life expectancy before Covid was falling. Yet, just about the only justifications you get from people who vote for these Conservative clowns are all about "just imagine what it would be like if Corbyn/Labour had won".


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    How can people believe this bollox when the "other lot" have not been in office for eleven years. That's eleven years during which the gap between richest and poorest has widened, food bank use has rocketed, more people are living within the official definition of poverty and life expectancy before Covid was falling. Yet, just about the only justifications you get from people who vote for these Conservative clowns are all about "just imagine what it would be like if Corbyn/Labour had won".

    They don't just say it they voted in their millions to accept a poor leader and government .

    If this country is that bad I'm sure they will be out of office in the next election and into a new utopia .

    Wish myself and my mother had access to a food back as a child or better benefits , free bus passes / prescriptions , winter fuel allowances.

    I have three very close relatives , they have got free housing in nice areas enjoy their state benefits ,know how to enhance them via carer allowance's for others , they are not by any stretch of the imagination starving or using food banks , when I visit you see they have nice tidy , TV , mobile phone / sky subscriptions , enjoy the odd takeaways/ drinks all buy weed ( oh they all have dogs which is another expense ) , they just tell me they simply don't want to work , as the systems provides well enough for their needs and I must say they are happy and very non political, they do tell me about the folk that beat the systems though which an eye opener .

    I guess is the most important thing in life Is ( happiness ) .

    They never ask for much either, I do take stuff to them but they always say no need too were fine.

    Guess there is always two sides to any story.

  3. #3

    Re: Culture wars.

    So you know three people who are doing okay - I'm pleased for them.



    "Since 2010 the number of emergency food parcels distributed by Trussell Trust food banks has risen from just over 40,000 to well over one and a half million – an increase of 3,900% in just 9 years."



    "Boris is trying his best though and just imagine what it would have been like under the other lot/Corbyn".

  4. #4
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    So you know three people who are doing okay - I'm pleased for them.



    "Since 2010 the number of emergency food parcels distributed by Trussell Trust food banks has risen from just over 40,000 to well over one and a half million – an increase of 3,900% in just 9 years."



    "Boris is trying his best though and just imagine what it would have been like under the other lot/Corbyn".
    They are family members and very thankful for the combined value of 70k a a year to support thier needs, I do feel that sometimes there's not enough recognition of what's good about the UK ,no one thinks its perfect , and there are unfortunate people that need more .

  5. #5
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Culture wars.

    Welfare bill now stands at 212 billion pa up 20 million from last year , it appears to have risen year on year :


    Let not forgot the 400 billion that has supported people during Covid .

    Worrying numbers .

    Since your 10 years ago comparison, it has risen from 148 billion to 212 billion

  6. #6

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Welfare bill now stands at 212 billion pa up 20 million from last year , it appears to have risen year on year :


    Let not forgot the 400 billion that has supported people during Covid .

    Worrying numbers .

    Since your 10 years ago comparison, it has risen from 148 billion to 212 billion
    Where to begin with this post...

    Ok so what does your 148 billion to 212 billion represent? I'm guessing that's pensions included. So you have instant issues there, there's way more elderly than 11 years ago so most of that increase will have gone to them. You've also ignored inflation which is an incredibly basic mistake. Inflation since then has increased by around 27% so that in itself shows why the figure has risen but paired with more elderly mean the vulnerable and poor are getting less than in 2010.

    We wouldn't have had to spend £400 billion on covid if the economy was more equal, paid a fairer wage and 14 million people in the country weren't living in poverty ffs.

  7. #7

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    So you know three people who are doing okay - I'm pleased for them.



    "Since 2010 the number of emergency food parcels distributed by Trussell Trust food banks has risen from just over 40,000 to well over one and a half million – an increase of 3,900% in just 9 years."



    "Boris is trying his best though and just imagine what it would have been like under the other lot/Corbyn".
    What is the death rate trend meant to prove then Bob?

  8. #8

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    What is the death rate trend meant to prove then Bob?
    And that's all you can come back with? Don't you think that, in this day and age, any Government that presides over a drop in life expectancy in peace time when there are no pandemics to contend with should be ashamed of themselves?

    Also, I see none of the responses address the subject of the OP, the childish so called culture wars.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Culture wars.

    What I'd like to know from the contributors who think this is such a badly managed country which successful countries welfare model we should follow that has the relatively the same demographic needs .

    In addition to this are you saying that the removal of the current government will eliminate the injustices, funding that some point grab from the newly loved Guardian articles , the very paper that wanted Corbyn gone and attacked by a lot on this board as per this article .

    When it comes to culture wars as per this post , one should reflect on what was floating about pre the election that added to the the Tory landslide ,never mind its pathetic gutless culture sitting on the fence over on Brexit .


    Some paragraphs below form the above left leaning paper this article above speaks volumes about Culture Wars ( yes Jews are a culture ,you cant just carefully select one culture to defend if your a political party )

    ""The dismissal came from the very top: when that column of mine appeared, Corbyn was filmed declaring it to be “utterly disgusting subliminal nastiness”.

    After gaslighting on that scale, of course it came as a relief to hear a statutory body, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, set up by the last Labour government, rule so decisively that what Jews had been saying all along was true. Its findings could scarcely be more damning.

  10. #10
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Culture wars.

    LOM: 'Jews are a culture'?


    There are many Jewish communities and viewpoints in the UK (something Jonathan Friedland refuses to acknowledge) - not a single one, and of course many cultural differences amongst those communities. How can there be a single culture across secular, religious, orthodox, reform, socialist, conservative, mixed relationships, closed relationships.... and on and on.

    The old Jewish saying about putting two Jewish people in a room together and coming out with three opinions!

    I get the impression from your many comments on the subject that you have not read the EHRC report. You have clearly read a selection of commentaries - almost all distorting the report findings in one way or another - but it might be worth your time reading the original. I have read it twice - and it is clearly a critical document with a number of key recommendations for Labour (some of which Starmer and his media allies are happy to ignore - like LOTO 'political interference'). But it could certainly have been 'more damning' - and some of the criticism was levelled at the treatment of people accused of 'anti-semitism' (which often turned out to be code for support for Palestinian rights and anti-Zionism).

    Labour fence-sitting on Brexit was electoral suicide - I agree with you about that. But 'fence sitting' is not a culture. Labour may have been caught between what you have previously described as a 'red wall' culture and a 'London/metropolitan' culture and translated that into an incoherent Brexit policy - but your use of the word culture to describe that process is baffling. Corbyn was not strong enough in his personality, willingness to challenge his opponents, or in the PLP arithmetic, to position Labour in a more sensible place and must take responsibility for that. Brexit killed Labour in 2019. The anti-semitism crisis (with some real cases, but in my opinion mostly manufactured for political reasons - and that includes your favourite right-wing Labour MPs and The Guardian) didn't help and may have contributed a bit to the result, but Brexit was the biggy.

  11. #11

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    What I'd like to know from the contributors who think this is such a badly managed country which successful countries welfare model we should follow that has the relatively the same demographic needs .

    In addition to this are you saying that the removal of the current government will eliminate the injustices, funding that some point grab from the newly loved Guardian articles , the very paper that wanted Corbyn gone and attacked by a lot on this board as per this article .

    When it comes to culture wars as per this post , one should reflect on what was floating about pre the election that added to the the Tory landslide ,never mind its pathetic gutless culture sitting on the fence over on Brexit .


    Some paragraphs below form the above left leaning paper this article above speaks volumes about Culture Wars ( yes Jews are a culture ,you cant just carefully select one culture to defend if your a political party )

    ""The dismissal came from the very top: when that column of mine appeared, Corbyn was filmed declaring it to be “utterly disgusting subliminal nastiness”.

    After gaslighting on that scale, of course it came as a relief to hear a statutory body, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, set up by the last Labour government, rule so decisively that what Jews had been saying all along was true. Its findings could scarcely be more damning.
    What a bizarre post!

    As you so often do, you resort to whataboutery regarding the Labour Party when the Conservatives are attacked on here, presumably because you believe anyone who posts anything critical of Johnson and his party has to be a Labour supporter. However, these days I’m driven much more by my contempt for Johnson and the UK Government than any backing for Labour. In fact, although contempt would be putting it too strongly, I’m not far short of feeling that for the modern day Labour Party which. at a time when the country is crying out for an effective opposition, are more interested in fighting among themselves while presenting no coherent plans as to what they would do in Government.

  12. #12
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    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Where to begin with this post...

    Ok so what does your 148 billion to 212 billion represent? I'm guessing that's pensions included. So you have instant issues there, there's way more elderly than 11 years ago so most of that increase will have gone to them. You've also ignored inflation which is an incredibly basic mistake. Inflation since then has increased by around 27% so that in itself shows why the figure has risen but paired with more elderly mean the vulnerable and poor are getting less than in 2010.

    We wouldn't have had to spend £400 billion on covid if the economy was more equal, paid a fairer wage and 14 million people in the country weren't living in poverty ffs.
    Where to finish the stats are the stat's as per the link it doesn't matter the money supports all sorts of our lives and its a lot and it has gone up significantly in 10 years and I clearly remember as a child being extremely poor very little food ,limited benefits to help us .

    If your saying without poverty we would see very little Covid death and spend I think you may need to re look at the facts the majority of deaths were form older vulnerable people 81 years and above (sadly) not poverty and a huge chunk of the money went to PPE and furlough which was aimed at the very poor in life so they kept a job and that has worked as unemployment experts were talking of many millions out of work .

    Of course poverty see's early death as it does in normal times , just look North in Scotland a country not driven by Tories it has the poorest life expectancy in the UK .

    Obesity and diabetics are also part of the Covid death mix one might argue some personal responsibility is at fault there not just poverty .

    People ignoring the early messages on social distancing rules also played a part in death of themselves and others again not just poverty

  13. #13

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Where to finish the stats are the stat's as per the link it doesn't matter the money supports all sorts of our lives and its a lot and it has gone up significantly in 10 years and I clearly remember as a child being extremely poor very little food ,limited benefits to help us .

    If your saying without poverty we would see very little Covid death and spend I think you may need to re look at the facts the majority of deaths were form older vulnerable people 81 years and above (sadly) not poverty and a huge chunk of the money went to PPE and furlough which was aimed at the very poor in life so they kept a job and that has worked as unemployment experts were talking of many millions out of work .

    Of course poverty see's early death as it does in normal times , just look North in Scotland a country not driven by Tories it has the poorest life expectancy in the UK .

    Obesity and diabetics are also part of the Covid death mix one might argue some personal responsibility is at fault there not just poverty .

    People ignoring the early messages on social distancing rules also played a part in death of themselves and others again not just poverty
    You don't know what inflation means do you?

    So let me get this straight. You read my post, completely ignored it and then made something up and argued against that.

    FFS this is the average tory voter, thick as shit.

  14. #14

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    You don't know what inflation means do you?

    So let me get this straight. You read my post, completely ignored it and then made something up and argued against that.

    FFS this is the average tory voter, thick as shit.
    The welfare bill approved to support people through Covid is like nothing this country has spent since WW2. The support has been extraordinary. And you know it. Our kids will be paying for it their whole lives - we borrowed 21,000 million pounds last month alone.

    Are you absolutely sure that welfare hasn't risen even when taking account of inflation?

  15. #15
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Culture wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    The welfare bill approved to support people through Covid is like nothing this country has spent since WW2. The support has been extraordinary. And you know it. Our kids will be paying for it their whole lives - we borrowed 21,000 million pounds last month alone.

    Are you absolutely sure that welfare hasn't risen even when taking account of inflation?
    Of course Welfare has risen it rises every year Covid will create unemployment as companies seek to cut back to make up for those loses.

    Thankfully the Furlough scheme has reduced that risk but in all reality it was a welfare support scheme to protect jobs as was the £20 rise in Universal Credit,school meals,business support, cut in VAT etc etc

    To say Welfare has risen is madness you are right to challenge the perception it hasn't risen , it rose by 400 billion the cost of Covid .

  16. #16

    Re: Culture wars.

    Johnson fighting another culture war or am I being cynical here?


    Anything to try to get tory sleaze out of the headlines?

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