Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post
Jon, I like the way your dad described himself! I would probably call myself a 'Christian who doesn't care much for Christianity'.

I think that Christianity has become polarised, sadly.

If you think back to some of the great Christian minds of 100 years ago or so... Tolkien and CS Lewis etc... they used to sit, debate, argue and consider the world, universe, God etc over a pipe and a pint. They never fell out but disagreed a lot - this is a trait much missing from today. They would then use their 'art' to explore these issues - their doubts, concerns, weaknesses and ultimately joy. C S Lewis wrote about the death of his wife is brutally honest terms. Tolkien explored questioning the existence of God and good and evil, in light of the first world war through Lord of the Rings... how can God exist when so many bad things happen to innocent people.

Really meaty stuff.

We have lost that, sadly.
It is meaty stuff. I should have said that my dad continued to attend church services and church discussion groups all his life - despite his opinion about organised religion. His interest in theology led to him studying philosophy in later life and he would jump around from Christian thinkers, some Islamic writers, the ancient Greeks, John Locke to modern philosophers and treat them all the same.

I rejected religion and faith very young. I then tried to work out what is the 'meaning of life' (Monty Python's take is as good as any) and concluded there is no meaning. We are just here and need to work things out for ourselves. That then led me to a social and political framework for changing the world (power structures and belief systems) so it gives as many people as possible a quality and purpose to life. Teenage idealism that has stuck for a lifetime.

(PS - I'm not Jon Candy. My photos aren't that good!)