Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
we have been back to normal ( most restrictions removed ) in the UK since about the same time ( freedom ??? day was the 19th July )

We do test a lot ( normally around the 1 mill per day mark ), so maybe thats why our numbers are higher than other countries, if you don't test then you have low figures ( last time I saw the testing figures for Poland ( which was fairly recent ) it was around 25 - 35K a day ) at the end of the summer I believe Russia had the highest number of confirmed cases, guess what, they were also the highest testers ( even higher than the UK which is going some )

Dont test and you have very little cases , in the past 2 weeks 5 children have had Covid in my daughters class, not one had symptoms and were picked up with testing
And yet our deaths figures are higher than most other countries.