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Thread: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

  1. #26

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Grow up you pompous prick. You're the biggest clown and thicko on this site.
    Whereas you have no idea about the difference between what is right and wrong. Presumably because you enjoy being actively involved in the wrong side of things.

  2. #27

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    I’m sure those 20 or so youngsters from port Talbot who are about 50 now, who got chased into the sea that night and pelted with pebbles by about 80 jacks are deeply disturbed by it still I find it funny as I was at that game and as about 500 of us walked back to the station those jacks wouldn’t come anywhere near us (even the swansea police were laughing at them) just went off looking for stragglers which they found in due course. Let them celebrate it
    So, acts of violence between fans is funny ? Presumably you and a few others were laughing your socks off as Millwall fans (and Swansea fans on other occasions) ripped up Ninian Park and threw seats and other debris into groups of people including women and children ? Anyone celebrating acts of violence of any kind is as bad as the people committing it and sick in the head.

  3. #28

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    I can understand this sort of thing between fans, but I don't understand the players doing it.

    Doesn't the whole incident come from football violence years ago? Fan banter it will always be, if it was the other way round we'd do the same etc, but why is it such a big thing at the club that even the players are in on it?

    I never get worked up over this sort of thing, it's the usual banter etc but find it strange that their players celebrate like this, ain't the first time is it?
    The reality is players, are generally thick as and while at clubs want to endear themselves to fans until of course they feck off for a pay cheque elsewhere

  4. #29

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    It's a bit small time and cringey for the Jack's players and particularly the coaching staff to get involved in the swim away. In my opinion of course.

    But.... At least they care, they get up for it, they understand what a derby is.

    I'd rather our club put this much effort into other areas.

  5. #30

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    So, acts of violence between fans is funny ? Presumably you and a few others were laughing your socks off as Millwall fans (and Swansea fans on other occasions) ripped up Ninian Park and threw seats and other debris into groups of people including women and children ? Anyone celebrating acts of violence of any kind is as bad as the people committing it and sick in the head.
    City fans in that period were angels? If you’re going to cite other Clubs actions don’t forget those of “so called” City fans. Any violence is certainly not “funny”.

  6. #31

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    The point is, its easy for clubs to find reasons to issue complaints about other teams

    the swim away thing could well be harmless to most of us ( It doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I see it as Football banter ) but we know it is done to wind up / be provocative / incite our fans, thats the whole purpose of it, we know that ( and I am sure you do ), so when the club complain about " feel the gesture is highly provocative and threatens to escalate tensions between the two sets of fans. " they are right, thats the purpose of it, just as the examples I have given were to wind up / provocative / incite the Jacks, just as Southampton fans did the aeroplane, the list goes on, they are all done for the same purpose and chosen to have maximum effect
    Couldn’t it be said that almost everything is meant to provoke the other fans?

    It doesn’t mean everything is fine, ie gas noises etc. should rightly be condemned.

    And it also means the board members complaining about this are a bunch of fannies.

  7. #32

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    The only thing that is embarrassing ‘us’ is people like you with comments like that. You are obviously condoning provocative gestures by players and abuse of directors. No doubt you thought Alan Tate and Lee Trundles actions with the flag some years ago was also fine and that the fans who make the aeroplane gestures about Sala’s death are just having ‘a bit of banter’.
    The fact you try and equate that to the sala stuff shows how utterly biased you are. It’s why it’s pointless discussing it with you.

    If the situation was exactly the same but reversed you’d be the first to call the Swansea board pathetic.

  8. #33

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Swim away is about a punch up between Swansea and Port Talbot City fans

    The sala aeroplane gesture , gas a jack , trampled by a horse etc , child abuse etc , totally different level

  9. #34

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    So, acts of violence between fans is funny ? Presumably you and a few others were laughing your socks off as Millwall fans (and Swansea fans on other occasions) ripped up Ninian Park and threw seats and other debris into groups of people including women and children ? Anyone celebrating acts of violence of any kind is as bad as the people committing it and sick in the head.
    It makes them look like c unts every time so let them carry on….is what I’m alluding too and as for the flag thing, wow that was one of the most cringeworthy things I’ve ever seen. It made them look tiny, bitter and pathetic. Which they are.

  10. #35

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    I have always found it a bit unprofessional when players/managers get involved in this sort of thing.

    I suppose it gets the new manager who has been there a couple of months into the fan’s good books, but does he really want to be glorifying a fight between 2 sets of supporters. Especially in fixture with such a history of trouble.

  11. #36

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    He knows if he does it he'll be loved by their supporters.

    It's a bit embarrassing to see a player do it with what it represents but ultimately who cares.

    Us moaning and whining about it puts the icing on the cake of a 3-0 win for them and is also extremely embarrassing and makes the club look a bit pathetic

  12. #37

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    This thread is very illuminating, particularly about some of the people posting on it. They castigate the club for its perceived lack of action over a vile chant made by its supporters, whilst at the same time laughing at and thereby condoning, random acts of violence (or the glorification of such) which could maim or even kill people. As far as I know someone cant be maimed or killed by listening to the words of a football chant or song. I may be a ‘pompous thicko’ as one of you so nicely put it but I would rather be that than a sick moron who obviously yearns for the return of the ‘good old days’ when people used to be randomly beaten up for no reason other than they looked like they could be supporter of a rival team or just even from the same town/city.

  13. #38

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleve van Leef View Post
    City fans in that period were angels? If you’re going to cite other Clubs actions don’t forget those of “so called” City fans. Any violence is certainly not “funny”.
    Tell that to the people who are ‘laughing off’ the swimming gestures. I agree about City fans actions as well and if this was the other way around I would be saying the same thing. How would people react if one of our players celebrated a goal by putting a horses head on and running around in front of the Swansea fans - laugh it off ?

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    This thread is very illuminating, particularly about some of the people posting on it. They castigate the club for its perceived lack of action over a vile chant made by its supporters, whilst at the same time laughing at and thereby condoning, random acts of violence (or the glorification of such) which could maim or even kill people. As far as I know someone cant be maimed or killed by listening to the words of a football chant or song. I may be a ‘pompous thicko’ as one of you so nicely put it but I would rather be that than a sick moron who obviously yearns for the return of the ‘good old days’ when people used to be randomly beaten up for no reason other than they looked like they could be supporter of a rival team or just even from the same town/city.
    Perhaps there are some past embarrassment afoot for the now elders and wiser CCMB members .

    My experiences of City games were that a shout , rant ,ruck , back in the day that was a very attractive event the more more notorious opposition crews the better and dare I suggest it actually attracted a lot of younger lads to the game who are now still there but a little wiser . Before many away / home games one would openly discuss the anticipated wind up songs ,rucks /clashes instead of football .

    As a football board we have matured I guess ?

  15. #40

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Tell that to the people who are ‘laughing off’ the swimming gestures. I agree about City fans actions as well and if this was the other way around I would be saying the same thing. How would people react if one of our players celebrated a goal by putting a horses head on and running around in front of the Swansea fans - laugh it off ?
    Again, no one died on the beach in Swansea that night. They got their trousers wet. You're equating someone dying with a few boys getting chased. It's offensive.

  16. #41

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    This thread is very illuminating, particularly about some of the people posting on it. They castigate the club for its perceived lack of action over a vile chant made by its supporters, whilst at the same time laughing at and thereby condoning, random acts of violence (or the glorification of such) which could maim or even kill people. As far as I know someone cant be maimed or killed by listening to the words of a football chant or song. I may be a ‘pompous thicko’ as one of you so nicely put it but I would rather be that than a sick moron who obviously yearns for the return of the ‘good old days’ when people used to be randomly beaten up for no reason other than they looked like they could be supporter of a rival team or just even from the same town/city.
    God you're dramatic, how does some of us saying to laugh off a player doing the swim away in 2021 equate to "a sick moron who obviously yearns for the return of the ‘good old days’ when people used to be randomly beaten up for no reason other than they looked like they could be supporter of a rival team or just even from the same town/city."

    Same as your "what if" about putting the horses head on and running around, it's completely different and if you can't see that then I worry about you

  17. #42

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    The board members were clearly concerned that SCFC put themselves at risk by deliberately identifying them in a volatile moment. It led to abuse - how bad and how close to them? We don't know. They threw in the swim away stuff to add weight to their grievance against the 'professional' side of SCFC no doubt. They may pride themselves on their Barca style football but they are nothing more than a tin pot outfit.

  18. #43

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Couldn’t it be said that almost everything is meant to provoke the other fans?

    It doesn’t mean everything is fine, ie gas noises etc. should rightly be condemned.

    And it also means the board members complaining about this are a bunch of fannies.

    so Gas noises are to be condemned , yet a action to celebrate a famous hooligan act of violence ( in the Jacks eyes ) and one the Club ( Swansea players and Officials ) knows will wind up / be provoke / incite our fans shouldn't be ? ? ? Football has moved on I am afraid

  19. #44

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Again, no one died on the beach in Swansea that night. They got their trousers wet. You're equating someone dying with a few boys getting chased. It's offensive.
    He appears a bit detached from our fan base, maybe he is mehmet Dalman after all

  20. #45

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    God you're dramatic.....
    Go easy on him. As a staunch supporter of Messrs Tan, Dalman, Choo and McCarthy, dml1954's been having a torrid time of it in recent weeks while the awesome foursome has guided the club to its worst set of results since the early-Thirties.

    His modus operandi on this message board is to attack anybody who dares to think differently about the football club's hierarchy than him, but that's tough going at present. Under the current circumstances, his blind devotion to the owner, the board and the manager is making him look more foolish than ever before, so he needs something else to grizzle about and he's found it in this thread.

  21. #46

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Again, no one died on the beach in Swansea that night. They got their trousers wet. You're equating someone dying with a few boys getting chased. It's offensive.

    I'll agree it will incite violence, of course it will. But it's nowhere near as bad as chanting about some of the stuff that has gone on.

  22. #47

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    so Gas noises are to be condemned , yet a action to celebrate a famous hooligan act of violence ( in the Jacks eyes ) and one the Club ( Swansea players and Officials ) knows will wind up / be provoke / incite our fans shouldn't be ? ? ? Football has moved on I am afraid
    Yeah exactly, anyone getting wound up by a swimming motion because some lads got chased into the sea by another group of lads needs to grow up and stop being such a wimp.

    People who think singing about someone dying is funny don’t need to grow up.

    Do you get wound up by the swim away?

  23. #48

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post

    I'll agree it will incite violence, of course it will. But it's nowhere near as bad as chanting about some of the stuff that has gone on.
    If will incite violence in people who are looking for an excuse to be violent.

  24. #49

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Go easy on him. As a staunch supporter of Messrs Tan, Dalman, Choo and McCarthy, dml1954's been having a torrid time of it in recent weeks while the awesome foursome has guided the club to its worst set of results since the early-Thirties.

    His modus operandi on this message board is to attack anybody who dares to think differently about the football club's hierarchy than him, but that's tough going at present. Under the current circumstances, his blind devotion to the owner, the board and the manager is making him look more foolish than ever before, so he needs something else to grizzle about and he's found it in this thread.

    He is Dalman Mehmet London after all so maybe we should feel sorry for him rather than give him a good Chooing. He'll get his arse Tanned if he doesn't continually worship the Dictator.

  25. #50

    Re: Cardiff contact police over derby day 'issues of concern'

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    If will incite violence in people who are looking for an excuse to be violent.
    Both sets of fans are kept apart before during and after the game around the stadium. If you're the type of person to get in a ruck with the opposing fans team hours after the match then I suggest you were probably keen to do that anyway

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