Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
Does it work?

Almost every person I know that has lost the weight has put it back on.
Think the only way out is keeping fit , watching what you do , try a good ( mother ) apple cider vinegar drink every morning https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/...0?ie=UTF8&th=1

Eat porridge as it stays in your body longer as a slow burner, don't eat late at night , try drinking an oat based drink before bed

Running for Weight Loss

Base run: short to moderate-length runs at natural pace and not meant to be overly challenging.
EG: 5 miles at your natural pace.

Progression run: This workout is designed to start at your natural pace / end a bit faster. EG: 5 miles at your natural pace, 1 mile at a faster pace.

Long run: eventually increase your distance as you endurance does .
Intervals: bursts of sprints / separated by lower jogging or walking. EG: 5 sets of 100-meter sprints followed by 20-minute jogs.
Tempo run: for beginners’ weight loss, as it encourages the fastest pace , sustain for the longest time possible.

Run / walk early in the morning its brilliant this time of the year