Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
I'm not letting my ego get in the way of anything. You're the bigot sludge. you're the one who often proclaims that you hate, nay despise, 17m British people simply because they exercise their democratic right to vote a different way to you.

If you really think that anyone would prefer to be English over Indian, where the chances are you'll be one of the hundreds of millions of the Indian subclass that live in abject poverty (where poverty really means poverty), then you're nuts. Its a song sung at football. It doesn't mean as much as you think it does.

you and the likes of Croesyblue get offended at everything. There is no banter, there is no humour, just offense. And if you get offended, what next? Do all the kids in the stadium get cancer as a result? Who decides what is and is not offensive and whether it should be sung. It certainly is not you. Who decides that no one can say anything that may or may not cause offence. Again, it certainly is not you.
Did you mean the other way round?