Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
I see, so it's us that leave our brain at the door? Yet it's you who:

1. Still can't distinguish religion from repentance and knowing Christ as Lord.

2. Thinks all life, including the complex programmes coded into DNA arose by accident. You have about 10 trillion cells in your body, so if you stretched the DNA in all the cells out, end to end, they'd stretch to 744 million miles.

3. Ignores the complexity of life, the human eye is about an inch across has 2 million working parts, and more than 1 million nerve fibers connected to the brain - and 21st Century SCIENCE is NOT able to reconstruct those connections.

An accident!!! So who is ACTUALLY leaving their brain at the door?
All the wonderful things in the world yet this "loving" God gives kids cancer. What an absolute tool he must be. I forgot, all the bad things are Satan's fault. Tosh