Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
I can't say I ever remember it affecting my behaviour or decision making (I would definitely be defined a problem gambler). It is only going to get worse and has already become a big problem online where there is less potential for regulatory intervention.

There is quite an interesting series on youtube by a couple of channels called coffeezilla and someordinarygamers where they delve into a recent trend of some very high profile 'influencers' (sicked in my mouth even typing that word) and internet celebs with very young followings advertising gambling sites by showing themselves playing and winning at incredibly high stakes (talking 25k+ a spin)

Because these specific gambling sites are crypto based, deposits and withdrawals can be tracked via the blockchain and that is where it gets interesting, in short, most of these people weren't even gambling their own money and were being paid up to 7 figures a month on the side to play house money and get as many of their fans to sign up and lose their own money as possible.
I’ve never really been swayed by the adverts personally and I am a problem gambler, a couple of years on the right path now, but I’ve lost eye watering amounts of money gambling. If ever I was feeling triggered by an advert I’d just grab the remote and switch the channel.

However, research has proven these adverts do trigger problem gamblers, and worryingly it’s at the younger end of the age scale where these adverts have an effect.

I’m fortunately now in a position where I’ve paid nearly all of the debt I built up through 15 years of problem gambling, 5 of those very serious, lost about 40k in a 5 year period, so I try and help and give advice to younger lads in work who I can see are developing gambling problems. With the 24/7 access to bet online, or on your phone, with all manner of games / sports kicking off every 15 minutes its all too easy to develop a gambling problem days.

If anyone is struggling, especially with online gambling, I recommend signing up to Gamcare as Dembe mentions in this thread. I only wish I signed up to it years ago. You literally can’t access any accounts or sign up to any new ones. It’s superb.