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Thread: COVID - don't get complacent

  1. #1

    COVID - don't get complacent

    I've been double jabbed, flu jab, wear a mask in shops, use hand gel when out and generally been very careful trying to protect myself and others.

    I have however got young Grandkids at infant school and nursery who I see occasionally.

    Last Friday night my throat felt like I'd been strangled, couldn't swallow, incredibly sore and painful, Sat no voice, coughing repeatedly, no sense of smell, thumping headache. Did a Lat Flow test and negative. Sunday worse and again neg Lat Flow but booked and took a PCR.

    Monday morning get message saying pos PCR. Repeat Lat Flow and again neg so suspect dodgy Lat Flow batch.

    Now self isolating at home in one room and coughing like hell.

    My message. Be very careful, I consider myself an active, pretty fit 67 year old but this has flattened me and horrible.

    I had been going into shops and really disappointed at the many people not wearing masks. Did I get this there?

    No idea how I got this and no reports from the relevant schools and nurseries to make me think that was the root.

    As a society it would be nice if people were more considerate, wore masks and got vaccinated because quite clearly there are some groups who think they are superhuman and unaffected. For the record I heard yesterday of a 2 year old who was affected with Covid.

    I hope if by sharing this experience I help others then great.


  2. #2

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    I've actually caught something entirely different but similar symptoms. I'm assuming it's this 'super cold' and in all honesty I've never been so rough.

    It's just better to be safe for now - COVID is rampant

  3. #3

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Take it easy and get well soon.
    Making mask wearing in indoor spaces "discretionary" was always going to mean 90% of people in England ditching them. We are unfortunately a predominantly very selfish nation nowadays and lack sensible leadership from our politicians.

  4. #4

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    I have an elderly family member who is vulnerable, so I am more respectful and compliant with covid 19 guidelines etc.
    Unfortunately others do not consider this but that is their choice. I travelled on a Cardiff bus on Sunday night, and I suppose only 25% had masks on.

  5. #5

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Hope you feel better soon mate

  6. #6

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy Blue in Berkshire View Post
    I've been double jabbed, flu jab, wear a mask in shops, use hand gel when out and generally been very careful trying to protect myself and others.

    I have however got young Grandkids at infant school and nursery who I see occasionally.

    Last Friday night my throat felt like I'd been strangled, couldn't swallow, incredibly sore and painful, Sat no voice, coughing repeatedly, no sense of smell, thumping headache. Did a Lat Flow test and negative. Sunday worse and again neg Lat Flow but booked and took a PCR.

    Monday morning get message saying pos PCR. Repeat Lat Flow and again neg so suspect dodgy Lat Flow batch.

    Now self isolating at home in one room and coughing like hell.

    My message. Be very careful, I consider myself an active, pretty fit 67 year old but this has flattened me and horrible.

    I had been going into shops and really disappointed at the many people not wearing masks. Did I get this there?

    No idea how I got this and no reports from the relevant schools and nurseries to make me think that was the root.

    As a society it would be nice if people were more considerate, wore masks and got vaccinated because quite clearly there are some groups who think they are superhuman and unaffected. For the record I heard yesterday of a 2 year old who was affected with Covid.

    I hope if by sharing this experience I help others then great.

    I’ve just finished my isolation and pretty much word for word on what you said except I didn’t loose my taste and smell

    Not a nice experience at all, I’ve been super careful and struggle to think where i picked it up from. Luckily my wife didn’t catch it despite me being rough for a good 3 days before my result came in and then isolating. Tbh I thought I had a throat infection or tonsillitis until it got worse.

  7. #7

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    The complacency in this country coupled with the waning protection means that it is going to be a long hard winter for the UK.

    Stay safe everyone

  8. #8

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    The clue in this post is doesn't get complacent I think we all need to be highly aware of crowded places ,mask swearing washing heads etc this isn't going away for years to come , yes difficult around grand kids however . I've upped my Zinc and Vitamin D & C to add in extra layer of protection and boost the immune systems where or however you can.

    Encroaching those youngster to get a jab to help grandad / mom will also help

  9. #9

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    get well soon fella. the apathy of the people of cardiff is shocking masks on the buses and in shops are nearly non existent now?

  10. #10

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    It’s shocking how complacent people have become.
    I wear my mask in public places - even the schoolyard.
    I went out for a curry with football dads with no problems, then had 8 school parents around my house for an early 50th and got visited by the COVID fairy, so my actual 50th was a washout - apart from McCarthy being sacked!
    I felt rough as a robber’s dog and haven’t got my taste and smell back yet. I also still tire easily.
    It’s ‘orrible, folks and I sympathise with the OP!

  11. #11

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    thanks for all the supportive messages and let's see if we can't lead by example which is something clearly our Westminster politicians don't.

    I was supposed to be in Cardiff for my father in law's funeral on Friday but can't attend and praying my wife stays clear as she tested negative PCR at the same time as me. I am now isolating in one room.

    If you get any symptoms don't rely on Lat Flow as it's been wrong for me and given false negatives.

    It's really uplifting to get encouraging messages from our football community so thanks again.

    And good luck to the Bluebirds tomorrow.


  12. #12

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Get well soon TIB

  13. #13

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    lead by example yeah right...


  14. #14

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    I returned to the UK on Sunday & I’m honestly shocked by what I’ve seen. Called in at Motorway services no one with masks on, stopped off for food maybe 150 people crammed into a Toby carvery no masks on servers or customers . I’ve come home for my brother in law’s funeral, he died of Covid last week and I’m truly shocked at the level of complacency. I work throughout Europe and have been in 7 different countries in the last month and none are as blasé as the UK.

    I had Covid in Sept 20 as described above it was horrible & debilitating for around 6 days & effected my smell for around 4 months after. Virtually all of my family have now had Covid despite being double jabbed & I know 3 people who’ve had it twice.

    I’ve got tickets for the Wales games but I’ve already decided no socialising before or after.

    I agree with the message of this thread. Don’t be complacent.

  15. #15

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    I think it’s getting harder to convince the younger ones to get the jab as you can still get the virus anyway, and pass it on.
    A guy I know decided to randomly test his 8 year old last week just before half term as his parents were coming to stay, kids had no symptoms at all but both came back positive, spent the whole of half term in the house, he strangely didn’t catch it off the kids either.
    Kids didn’t show any symptoms all week.

  16. #16

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    We can say the public have become complacent but so have the supermarkets and other large stores. Some pubs have also allowed people in without masks.

    Get better soon TIB

  17. #17

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Good luck TIB

    I am fast approaching my 1st anniversary of having it the 1st time, my taste and smell came back a few months ago ( not 100% and very twisted ) still suffer from fatigue a little, tired after a days work ( though that might be my age now )

    I think I must have had it for the 2nd time a few weeks ago, We all had a " cold " and did LFT's ( all Neg ) but now my random smells are back ( especially Onion when I haven't been near them ) and a metallic taste all the time and a headache in the evenings ( all exactly the same things after I had it the 1st time and had recovered )

    to be honest though, my oldest is at Uni and out partying ( and why shouldn't she ? ? ), she pops home occasionally, youngest is in school and its a free for all
    We wear a mask to the shops etc etc but we have come to accept with our " back to normal " life comes the risk of coming into contact with Covid with whatever we do

  18. #18

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    I returned to the UK on Sunday & I’m honestly shocked by what I’ve seen. Called in at Motorway services no one with masks on, stopped off for food maybe 150 people crammed into a Toby carvery no masks on servers or customers . I’ve come home for my brother in law’s funeral, he died of Covid last week and I’m truly shocked at the level of complacency. I work throughout Europe and have been in 7 different countries in the last month and none are as blasé as the UK.

    I had Covid in Sept 20 as described above it was horrible & debilitating for around 6 days & effected my smell for around 4 months after. Virtually all of my family have now had Covid despite being double jabbed & I know 3 people who’ve had it twice.

    I’ve got tickets for the Wales games but I’ve already decided no socialising before or after.

    I agree with the message of this thread. Don’t be complacent.
    “Complacent” is an excellent way to describe the UK in other ways as well, but is especially relevant when it comes to Covid (yesterday’s deaths figure of nearly three hundred was the highest since February).

    For myself, the last doctor I spoke to about it was virtually convinced I had Covid in June of last year when I lost my sense of smell and taste - the latter quickly came back, but the former has never really come back, it’s at a comes and goes stage now, but disappeared again completely after my first jad back in February, hence that doctors near certainty that it was down to Covid.

    Clearly, if I did have Covid, I can still have it again despite being booked in for my third jab three weeks today and it’s a timely warning from TIB in the OP, but I’m afraid it’s likely to largely fall on deaf ears.

    Hope TIB starts feeling better soon.

  19. #19

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleve van Leef View Post
    We can say the public have become complacent but so have the supermarkets and other large stores. Some pubs have also allowed people in without masks.

    Get better soon TIB
    You dont need masks in pubs.

  20. #20

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    You dont need masks in pubs.
    I think it’s optional but should be mandatory on entering.

  21. #21

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleve van Leef View Post
    I think it’s optional but should be mandatory on entering.
    You dont need them on entering either.

  22. #22

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    You dont need them on entering either.
    I don't get why it is safe to not wear masks while walking around a pub yet it's unsafe to do so in other buildings like supermarkets etc.

  23. #23

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    You dont need them on entering either.
    I think it's only healthcare settings and transport that its mandatory. Doesnt mean that people shouldn't wear them though imo.
    I went for a meal a couple of weeks ago and put on my mask to enter the pub. Only when I saw that no one else was wearing one did I remember the rules.

    Complacent is the right word though. When Boris and co were on the tv every day telling us it's a pandemic, the public were more compliant . Now we see them carrying out their business looking like it's back to normal the public follow suit.
    Theres currently 9k people in hospital with covid yet those in charge of the country seem happy to sit back and do nothing.

  24. #24

    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    I've said this before somewhere on here. I guy that i know is nearing the end of his studies to become a doctor. I asked him about masks and he replied...I don't know..There have been studies that show that masks aren't that effective during surgery, those studies being from the 90's until now. Some countries have politiczed masks to get their own gain (USA)

  25. #25
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    Re: COVID - don't get complacent

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    I've said this before somewhere on here. I guy that i know is nearing the end of his studies to become a doctor. I asked him about masks and he replied...I don't know..There have been studies that show that masks aren't that effective during surgery, those studies being from the 90's until now. Some countries have politiczed masks to get their own gain (USA)
    Firstly, I wear masks when required to do so, on a bus, in a shop, we no longer wear them in our office at work having been previously requested to do so before it was relaxed, if a client turns up in a mask, I will ask the client if he would feel more comfortable if I wear a mask, I worked for a company for 15 years who specified, designed and manufactured the filter media that goes into N95 and other masks, Masks are in the main just for political purposes with those on the left screaming mask mask, mask, and those on the right basically saying feck it, load of bollox. Because of a previous background in filtration, it was something that I took interest in, and because of the continuing arguments over them at the time I could find no peer reviewed evidence that masks could prevent a virus particle but I don’t think it is clear cut as that, much of the viral load will be emitted in what we called suspended solids and this is where I believe that masks, whilst not being able to filter the micron rating of the virus, forms a barrier that could filter the suspended solids containing the virus particles, just look at Flop 26 with world leaders totally mask less, then going in front of the telly, lined up putting the mask on for optics, I don’t have an objection to masks, and as winter is upon us I think will help in keeping flu and other respiratory illness at bay, filtration media will have moved on significantly which I have no knowledge of, the arguments for and against have become tedious, if I get into a crowded situation, I don’t care if those around are masked or not (example gig) a recent gig I went to, I masked up but not required to, plenty around didn’t but I just enjoyed the gig. Once the snuffling and coughing starts in the office, I will start wearing a mask in the office as I tend to suffer when getting cold and because of this was always ahead of the crowd regarding hand gel, I had antibacterial wash and hand gel on my desk long before it went crazy.

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