Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
I've not listened to much of genesis stuff, but what i have heard could curdle milk at 100 paces. It's so boring and in my opinion it doesn't say anything. I'm no music aficionado, but i do like reading the music threads on here and give a little listen to what other posters like. There's some good stuff, but plenty of nondescript lift music that doesn't rouse any part of my being. My opinion of course (who else's) i suppose music taste is determined by so many aspects of life experience.
“I’m no music aficionado” is absolutely spot on. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. This is one of the greatest bands ever ,who have been very successful for over 50 years. Next time you go shopping, buy yourself some milk that won’t curdle. You do not stay at the top of your business if you have no talent. Please do not insult this band any more.