Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
I’ve not got a issue with anything taught in school but Welsh history should be prioritised
There's a very simple but extremely important reason why Welsh "history" isn't prioritised in our schools and thank goodness it isn't. It has absolutely nothing to do with the mere fact we are governed from London.

Like it or not (and there's so very much of it to be embarrassed about) English (and latterly) British history has played an overwhelming contribution to the development of the Western World as it is today. Yes, other countries too, as in France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Hungary, Russia, USA etc. However the English/British significance is arguably the most important of it all.

Wales on the other hand, similar to Catalunya, Andorra, Malta, Chad, Bermuda, Lesotho etc etc etc. has played such a miniscule part on the history of the World it would be unnecessary and propernfor it to be included in student's history lessons.

There's a place for local "history" in early years teachings as a warm up to History but it should never ever be integrated into mainstream History lessons except in special contexts as is historically necessary.

Could you imagine how I'll prepared students would be if they learned their own local history as opposed to the important course of events of world History of they lived in Mauritania, Antigua, Turkmenistan, Tonga or Paraguay for example?