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Thread: Record number of migrants crossing

  1. #51

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Imagine criticising others for being angry and then glibly accusing 50% of the population ("the others!") of being essentially incapable of free thought and of being racist, and the greatest crime of all - not being worried about the things you want them to be worried about!

    The irony being, there is never any evidence to back this irrational line of thinking. If you are concerned about people believing everything they read in the papers, it is not amongst Mail or Express readers, it is, on Brexit at least, according to this survey amongst Guardian, Independent and FT readers. https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/study...eu-referendum/ Bloody facts eh. Much more fun to just say Mail readers believe everything they read mind.

    Yet again however, we have avoided any attempt at a discussion about actually finding a solution. Brilliant.
    No one wants to discuss anything with you because you're a complete fanny

  2. #52

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    No one wants to discuss anything with you because you're a complete fanny
    Fanny hair !

  3. #53

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    No one wants to discuss anything with you because you're a complete fanny magnet
    Fixed for you.

  4. #54

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    All migrants aren't the same. Amongst those coming via France are convicted child rapists who last week successfully appealed their deportation, at £1000's of your taxpayers' money. I'm not sure whether you're suggesting child rape extortion, murder are good for the economy - the Mail and Express don't think so
    I am all for deporting dangerous criminals who have no right to be here BUT we need to be careful that we don't grab for the bluntest instrument possible to tackle this. Priti Patel has proposed a system where by anybody who has been convicted of any crime by any legal system in the world would be deported (there was some flimsy promise to look at individual circumstances but we know how that goes from experience). Ask yourself this, how many legal systems around the world would you trust to give a fair verdict?

  5. #55

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I am all for deporting dangerous criminals who have no right to be here BUT we need to be careful that we don't grab for the bluntest instrument possible to tackle this. Priti Patel has proposed a system where by anybody who has been convicted of any crime by any legal system in the world would be deported (there was some flimsy promise to look at individual circumstances but we know how that goes from experience). Ask yourself this, how many legal systems around the world would you trust to give a fair verdict?
    There was meant to be a 'any crime with a prison sentence of >1 year' in there somewhere. Too late for a sneaky edit.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lower Wenvoe, Barry

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by Undercoverinwurzelland View Post
    You may have noticed all the recent headlines about the shortage of workers in hospitality, haulage, care, food processing, agriculture etc. Chances are a lot of these people will end up doing those jobs, so this is a good thing.
    All the evidence shows that migrants contribute more to the UK economy than they take from it, although you won't find that in the Mail or the Express.
    Here we go.
    If there's a shortage of jobs then there's more work for British people.
    Now if the lazy feckless of Britain get up off their arse , jobs a good un

  7. #57
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    Jul 2011
    Lower Wenvoe, Barry

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    F*ck me. This board sometimes.
    Cos of snowflakes like you this forum has a ccmb 2 forum thing

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lower Wenvoe, Barry

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Just think , the party you voted for , promised to get control of immigration!

    But they have completely fecked it up

    Never mind , blame France 🇫🇷
    The party I voted for would have sunk the dingys coming over. **** sake mun, turn um back around.
    Don't help em over
    If it wasn't for bloody snowflakes we'd be sending um back.

    We're supposed to be paying france about 50m a year to stop this happening, the lazy horse strangling c u n ts.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lower Wenvoe, Barry

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Brexit ?

    I didn't vote for that nonsense you soppy clown
    Thank fack Britain doesn't rely on your vote.

  10. #60

  11. #61

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Whenever this is in the news all I think is what more important news are they trying to surpress this time. You think people would catch on but nothing gets the great british public more distracted and foaming at the mouth than a dingy full of immigrants.
    Precisely. I suppose a dramatic headline about a 'record' number of migrants crossing the channel has nothing to do with distracting people from the conclusion of COP26.

    It amazes me when reading anything about migrants, that nobody on any side of the political spectrum seems to be overly critical of the foreign policy of the UK and US, which undoubtedly causes the majority of the migrants we see fleeing north Africa and the Middle East into Europe. You can go down the list of these unstable nations where people are fleeing for their lives and go "Yep, that's caused by us.. oh yep, we have a hand in that one too".

    If it's not US sanctions crippling an entire nation, it's funding or arming one side in a conflict. If it's not all out invasion and occupation then it's providing military training or military support to the side that suits our interests the best, regardless of the cost to human life.

    You won't read about that though. Forget the outrage about what this paper printed or that channel broadcast - it's what they aren't reporting on and printing in the papers that you should be pissed off about. Propaganda by omission.

  12. #62

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    It's incredible, the people who complain about immigrants the most and yell take care of our own first are usually the ones complaining about British people on benefits.

    I mean, anyone with any basic sense knew immigration would increased from non EU countries the second we left the EU, secondly whenever there's bad news for the tories they always trot out the line about immigrants as they know that gets idiots frothing at the mouth.

  13. #63

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by nugent View Post
    The party I voted for would have sunk the dingys coming over. **** sake mun, turn um back around.
    Don't help em over
    If it wasn't for bloody snowflakes we'd be sending um back.

    We're supposed to be paying france about 50m a year to stop this happening, the lazy horse strangling c u n ts.
    Jesus Christ you sound thick as shit.

  14. #64
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    When folk refer to Tories disliking the migrants or poking the fire of emotion , you might be surprised how many Labour voters think the same about continued migration and the pull on local GP 's Dentist , School places , health care , housing , Jobs we may not see it in our areas however I t is there in areas already under great strain and high unemployment ,and there is as a huge difference between this small island and its capability in size and the vast areas of some European countries .

    A lot were very vocal on CCMB about leave voters being motivated by free movement of Labour and how that saw the like of even Wales and traditional Labour heartlands such as North East England vote for Brexit and within that vote were a lot of Labour voters.

    Of course leaving Europe would see an increase in migration from non Europe countries which they have too pass through , previously a lot would seek citizenship in those European countries they first land in and then use the free movement to move onto UK after a few years residency , and that was stimulating some minds .

  15. #65

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    When folk refer to Tories disliking the migrants or poking the fire of emotion , you might be surprised how many Labour voters think the same about continued migration and the pull on local GP 's Dentist , School places , health care , housing , Jobs we may not see it in our areas however I t is there in areas already under great strain and high unemployment ,and there is as a huge difference between this small island and its capability in size and the vast areas of some European countries .

    A lot were very vocal on CCMB about leave voters being motivated by free movement of Labour and how that saw the like of even Wales and traditional Labour heartlands such as North East England vote for Brexit and within that vote were a lot of Labour voters.

    Of course leaving Europe would see an increase in migration from non Europe countries which they have too pass through , previously a lot would seek citizenship in those European countries they first land in and then use the free movement to move onto UK after a few years residency , and that was stimulating some minds .
    Where are you getting this from?

  16. #66

    Re: Record number of migrants crossing

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Of course leaving Europe would see an increase in migration from non Europe countries which they have too pass through
    What do you mean by this?

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