I was quite sceptical of this at the start, as judging by his twitter Rafiq himself seems like quite a knob. A lot of deleted tweets that are verging on personal threats. He was also a bloody awful player, but one who was very highly regarded by Yorkshire and given chance after chance.

Seeing some of what has come out has changed my outlook a lot mind. If even half of these things are true then there is a problem within cricket.

I would be very interested if the drug test allegation is repeated outside of parliamentary privilege. I just don't understand how it would be possible to hush it up for a bloke who was around the England side. If that does turn out to be true, then Yorkshire cricket club will be facing a whole world of pain and quite rightly so. If it turns out to be malicious then Rafiqs other testimony will need to be looked at aswell.

Interestingly, just read his cricinfo stats and profile. He was the ineligible player that meant Yorkshire lost their t20 quarter finals place in 2008. If I remember rightly it was Glamorgan who benefited from that decision.