Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
Looks like the Daily Mail may be returning to the Paul Dacre era slavish love-in with the Tory Party and the Compo In Charge


Shame. Always interesting to see the Mail do a bit of 'journalism'.

Unlike the Telegraph (Tory Party in print) and Express (weather, royals and Boris adoration) the Mail has occasionally pushed stories and campaigns you wouldn't expect - like the Justice For Stephen Lawrence campaign - but that was really a case of the exception proving the rule. But the last 3 years have been a bit more off the historical script.
Th Mail has certainly been better under Greig.

let us hope the owners shoiw common sense.

Nothing wrong with papers supporting parties, but not in the slavish way editors like Dacre do it.

At their best the conservative leaning papers do far more damage than those on the left when they do their proper job and hold the government to account for their failings.

The Government can to an extent afford to ignore papers like the Mirror and Guardian when they get criticised.

Much harder to ignore those papers which are probably reflecting the views of their supporter as well.